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Browsing Konturen: Vol 2 (2009) by Title
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Wheeler, Samuel C.
(University of Oregon, 2009)
At this point in the discussion, I am beginning to suspect that Livingston and I have different
conceptions of what Davidson’s “framework” is. I take it to be quite a bit more than the idea
that a theory of meaning is a ...
Livingston, Paul M.
(University of Oregon, 2009)
Kramer, Lawrence
(University of Oregon, 2009)
Ludwig Wittgenstein’s thinking about musical aesthetics (a small but persistent strain in his writings) focused primarily on questions of demonstration and proper performance: how should this waltz or march sound? These ...
Livingston, Paul M.
(University of Oregon, 2009)
Mann, Bonnie
(University of Oregon, 2009)
Feminists, including this one, have two problems with nature: a special problem which is a historical and political problem, and an ontological problem that we share with everyone else (our metabolism with the earth). My ...
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