Notes on Process and Practice
Howell, Leah
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The intersection of the permanent and impermanent, the disposable and the pleasurable opens up a space for my work to live in. I seek to create a tension between the familiarity of objects, materiality and fragmentation. I work in a speculative practice where the making process drives ideation and discovery. My process is centered around labor, repetition, testing and failure. I use unglazed, colored porcelain to simulate surfaces like rubber, paper, plastic, frosting, textile and thread in order to investigate the slippages of both perceived and real material. My practice is one that draws on the implicit-value and utility of craft, the material history of ceramics, and ideas of labor-value and production. I am interested in challenging assumptions of use-value by displacing expectations of material and through re-contextualizing familiar objects, tasks and applied decoration.
33 pages