Astrophysics with Gravitational Wave Signals from Core-Collapse Supernovae





ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


The next generation of gravitational wave detectors will improve the detection prospects for gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae. The complex astrophysics involved in core-collapse supernovae pose a significant challenge to modeling such phenomena. The Supernova Model Evidence Extractor (SMEE) attempts to capture the main features of gravitational wave signals from core-collapse supernovae by using numerical relativity waveforms to create approximate models. These models can then be used to perform Bayesian model selection to determine if the targeted astrophysical feature is present in the gravitational wave signal. In this dissertation, SMEE's model selection capabilities are extended to include features in the gravitational wave signal that are associated with g-modes and the standing accretion shock instability. For the first time, SMEE's performance is tested using simulated data for planned future detectors, such as the Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, and LIGO Voyager. SMEE's performance is improved by creating models from the spectrograms of supernova waveforms instead of their time-series waveforms that contain stochastic features. In third generation detector configurations, about 50% of neutrino-driven simulations were detectable at 100 kpc, and 10% at 275 kpc. The explosion mechanism was correctly determined for all detected signals. This dissertation contains previously published co-authored material.



collapse, core, gravitational, SMEE, supernova, wave
