Protection Connection
Niccol, Mia
Mia, Niccol
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University of Oregon
As part of the winter Health Science ARC, we were required to create an infographic to address an issue on campus affecting the health of UO students. At the start of the term we heard from several UO public health officials and health administrators about real health issues that UO students are currently facing. One of the surprising statistics they shared was from a survey conducted in 2018 on the UO campus which found that only 25% of students use barrier protection during vaginal intercourse. This issue is not unique to UO, and colleges across the United States are trying to increase the awareness of and use of barrier protection among their students. UO has taken several approaches to this challenge, including the development of a new program called Protection Connection. Protection Connection is a program through the UO Student Health Center that provides free, convenient, inclusive and discreet sexual supplies that can be delivered to the dorms or picked up from a local Hot Spot on campus. My group and I created an infographic aimed at increasing the number of students utilizing the Protection Connection service. We decided to begin by presenting a few sobering statistics about current barrier use and STI prevalence. We then briefly described what supplies students can get through the service, and included a QR code to information about how to use the various products. We then included a step-by-step guide for how to utilize Protection Connection, including a QR code that links directly to online ordering. Finally, we also included a map of the campus hotspots where students can pick up supplies themselves. When my group and I were designing our infographic, we really wanted a design that would attract the viewer’s eyes and that would clearly communicate the simple process of getting sexual health supplies, either via delivery or through the hot spots. Our hope is that through this advertising more UO students will realize that obtaining safer sex supplies is easy!
Project files are comprised of 1 page pdf and presentation recording in mp4 format.
UO Student Health Center, Sexual Health, Barrier Protection, Protection Connection, Infographic