Modelling Fluid Resonance in Conduit-Crack Coupled Systems: An Application to Englacial Geometries

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McQuillan, Maria

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University of Oregon


Englacial structures are an integral part of the glacial hydrological system, yet the internal structure of ice sheets and glaciers remain largely unknown. Resonance of fluids in cracks and conduits has been widely leveraged to infer the geometry of subsurface transport networks, but has not seen a wide application to glaciology. The range of possible englacial geometries is not well constrained. Therefore we explore a range of possible crack geometries, including symmetric and asymmetric tabular cracks that may intersect a conduit at an arbitrary angle. We define the resonant modes as a function of geometry and study which modes are excited for a given impulse forcing at the conduit surface. We find that a coupled mode between the conduit and crack as well as Krauklis wave mode, if detectable, constrain the geometry of hidden cracks. We finally interpret published data from fracture resonance in the glacial system according to our model.



Englacial, Modelling, Resonance
