Exploration of the Relationship Between Ball Speed and Motus Baseball Sleeve Output for Torque

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Rabing, Maddie Louise

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University of Oregon


Background: Injuries to the Ulnar Collateral Ligament are common among baseball pitchers. Biomechanical measuring devices, such as motion capture, can be used to identify risk factors for injury, like levels of torque placed on the UCL during a pitch. The Motus Baseball sleeve is a relatively new device used to measure elbow varus torque during the pitching motion. Because of its relative newness, there are few studies exploring the relationships between different outputs from the Motus Baseball sleeve. Purpose: The Purpose of this thesis is to explore a relationship between ball speed and elbow valgus torque using the Motus baseball sleeve. Method: Twenty seven collegiate pitchers were recruited from University of Southern California and Pepperdine University. Each pitcher was fitted with an Motus sleeve adhered where the IMU is situated over the UCL. A radar gun was also used to measure ball velocity. Following a full dynamic and pitcher specific warm-up, each pitchers was allowed up to 5 warm up throws. Once the warmup was complete, each participant took ten full-effort pitches using a standard fast-ball technique. The radar gun was used to collect data on ball speed during each pitch while the Motus baseball sleeve collected data on elbow valgus torque. Data were compiled into a spreadsheet, and analyzed using linear regressions to explore relationships between ball velocity and elbow torque. Results: The linear regression analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between ball speed elbow valgus torque when analyzing both the data set as a whole and the averages from each pitcher only. Analysis from all data points as well as pitcher averages, produced linear regressions with positive slopes. Low R2 values of 0.187 for all data points, and 0.167 for pitcher averages were also observed Conclusion: Although the results would suggest that there is a positive relationship between ball speed and elbow valgus torque when using the Motus baseball sleeve, there is not enough evidence to justify a definitive relationship. There are other technical variables throughout the kinetic chain to be considered that this protocol did not account for. Further testing that analyzes pitching technique across the whole kinetic chain would be necessary to conclude that this data was significant.


18 pages


Pitching Biomechanics, Human Physiology, Motus, Baseball, Ball Speed, Torque, UCL, Biomechanics
