Letter from the Editor




ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


I know I’m not the only one who is more than a little glad that 2020 is finally behind us. Yet while I was reflecting on all the tumult of the last year, I wondered if I should be so quick to try and wipe it all from my mind; perhaps that would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak. 2020 brought us wildfires, (publicized) racial injustice, arguably the most contentious presidential election in living memory, and, of course, a pandemic that has claimed countless lives around the world. However, the year was also filled with acts of kindness, heroism, and inspiration. When one of the many fires in the Willamette Valley last summer burned down a friend’s home while she was away, in a sick twist of irony, fighting fires elsewhere in Oregon, donations came pouring in to help her land back on her feet. Across the country, people participated in peaceful protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, proving that there is still hope for systemic change. More people than ever voted in the U.S. presidential election. Finally, companies developed vaccines for COVID-19 at unprecedented speeds, an incredible feat and a major win for scientific research. It was a rewarding year for research at the UO as well. I am proud to present five articles from undergraduates who, despite the challenges of the previous year, adapted and found ways to continue their research remotely.



scholarship, journal editing
