Institute For Health in the Built Environment


The Institute for Health in the Built Environment at the University of Oregon is passionate about combining research and design in order to create a healthier built environment and population. Click here to find out more about the institute.

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Recent Submissions

  • Coronado, Maria Camila; Feinberg, Stephen; Fretz, Mark; Kwok, Alison; Gotlin, Alexandra; Greenheck, Riley; Lee, Jean; Pfeifer, Natalie; Seely, John; Steeves, Natassjia; Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin (University of Oregon, 2021)
    This document outlines, catalogs, and summarizes a framework of literature that highlights the impact of school of facilities and classroom environments on student engagement and learning. The NetZED Laboratory at the ...
  • Mhuireach, Gwynne A.; Dietz, Leslie; Griffiths, Willem; Horve, Patrick Finn; Laguerre, Aurelie; Northcutt, Dale; Vandegrift, Roo; Gall, Elliott; Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin (Elsevier, 2021)
    Indoor environmental quality is a paramount concern among architects. Exposure to VOCs and microorganisms impacts occupant health, yet the role of materials on these exposures remains poorly understood. In this study, we ...