A Performer’s Guide to Beethoven’s Sonata in Ab major, Op. 110




ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


The subsequent research is organized into four chapters. Chapter One traces the history of Beethoven's life at the time of composition (1821). This chapter explores Op.110 not just chronologically but from a technical and stylistic standpoint. Chapter Two provides a harmonic and structural analysis of Op.110. In this chapter, I will discuss the innovative techniques associated with Beethoven's late style, such as the exploration of extreme registers, harmonic treatment, radical modulations to remote key areas, formal structure, and Beethoven's use of older compositional styles and structures such as fugues and fugato style. I will suggest a new way to describe the structure of the third movement, "piano music as an oratorio." Although many scholars have discussed Beethoven's use of arioso and fugue, I believe it is not just the juxtaposition of these sections, but the way Beethoven unifies these sections that is so significant. We can almost consider the third movement as a stand–alone work, an oratorio: Introduction, recitativo, arioso, fugue (chorus), arioso, fugue (chorus), grand conclusion. Chapter Three will discuss the performance of legendary pianists and discuss their very different interpretations. I will also make suggestions for tackling the many technical and interpretative challenges in Op.110. Chapter Four will discuss the author's interpretation of Op.110, where he will provide details about choice of tempo, tone, touch forms, pedaling, and rubato.


79 pages


Beethoven's piano sonata Op.110, piano pedagogy
