Rhetoric without Words: The Aural and Cultural World of the Keyboard Works of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck




ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621) stands among the earliest keyboard players to leave their imprint on music history as both a composer and teacher. Though his influence on the composing and performing traditions of subsequent generations of students is well known, his own activities as a keyboard composer and performer are less apparent. Because his written compositions are not in his own hand and separated from his Amsterdam post by time and space, little is known about the way Sweelinck’s keyboard works sounded in performance, or how a listener may have received them. This dissertation considers the keyboard works of Sweelinck in tandem with pervading rhetorical currents in the “Dutch Golden Age.” Through examination of rhetoric’s effect on the musicking process, organological and sound studies of the instruments and spaces represented, embodied responses of the performer and listener, and extensions of structural theories known as Forma formans as identified and described first by Frits Noske, a clearer picture of the circumstances surrounding the performance of this repertoire emerges. In addition to implications for performance practice of the works in question, this study provides for further application and synthesis of historical sound studies, musico-rhetorical composition and performance, and somatic responses to music that considers the performer and listener alike.



Rhetoric, Sweelinck
