Baker County, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-12-14)
    (Baker County, 2012-12-14) Baker County (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-02-21)
    (Baker County, 2012-02-21) Baker County (Or.)
    The Board of Commissioners have approved Harney Rock & Paving Co.'s request to modify the mining boundary of Site #3 in the Baker County Comprehensive Plan Significant Aggregate Inventory. The site is located on TL 801 (07S39E), north of Haines, Oregon. The mining area will be reduced from 2,513+/- acres to 215+/- acres. 35+/- acres from TL 600 (07S39E) and TL 801 will comprise the new mining area.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-02-24)
    (Baker County, 2011-02-24) Baker County (Or.)
    This is a Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment to add two aggregate sites to the Mineral and Aggregate Inventory of the Baker County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The first site, Brownie Pit #1, will occupy 5 acres; the second site, Brownie Pit #2, will occupy approximately 5.8 acres. These sites will be used to provide rock for projects in northeast Baker County.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-02-24)
    (Baker County, 2011-02-24) Baker County (Or.)
    This is a Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment to add an aggregate site to the Mineral and Aggregate Inventory of the Baker County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The site will occupy 1-acre. The site is needed to provide large diameter rock for restoration projects in the Pine Valley of Baker County.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-10-29)
    (Baker County, 2009-10-29) Baker County (Or.)
    The Baker County Board of Commissioners has accepted a zoning text amendment to Baker County's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, Section 1009.02(D) Class I Land Division Standards (D.), which reads as follows: D. Sanitary sewage disposal facilities are available to the property line of each lot or parcel that is 2 acres or less, or, as an alternative, each lot or parcel shall be approved for subsurface sewage disposal. Parcels greater than two acres shall identify on the final plat that sewage disposal shall be provided by a DFQ approved sanitary sewage disposal system.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-05-11)
    (Baker County, 2009-05-11) Baker County (Or.)
    Ellingson Lumber Co. submitted a request for a Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment to change the zoning of a 27.93+/- acre parcel known as Tax Lot 200 in Section 21A of Township 8 South, Range 46 East, W.M., Baker County, Oregon from Industrial to a zone specifically created for the parcel based on the Limited Use Combining Zone. The new zone will be identified as the OLD MILL LIMITED USE COMBINING ZONE. The uses proposed to be allowed in that zone are included in the materials provided.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2008-09-05)
    (Baker County, 2008-09-05) Baker County (Or.)
    This request is to add the proposed site to the Baker County Comprehensive Plan Inventory. The applicant seeks a Post Acknowledged Plan Amendment and Conditional Use permit to site an aggregate mining operation on a 10+/- acre portion of a 685.25+/- acre parcel in the EFU Zone. The purpose of this operation is to supply an OWEB Restoration Grant funded project on Eagle Creek, near Richland, Oregon, with large 3'-4' boulders required to construct two fish-friendly diversion structures.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2008-12-10)
    (Baker County, 2008-12-10) Baker County (Or.)
    The amendment changes the zoning of 76.18+/- acres of land (located along the Snake River near the abandoned town of Homestead) from Exclusive Farm Use to a zone specifically created to allow the uses justified under a "reasons" Goal 3 exception. The new zone is called the Homestead Recreation Limited Use Combining Zone.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-03-20)
    (Baker County, 2006-03-20) Baker County (Or.)
    Comprehensive Plan Amendment (PAPA) to add a site to the Baker County Mineral and Aggregate Inventory (Minor Site) under 500,000 ton
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County : Comprehensive plan (1991)
    (Baker County (Or.), 1991-09) Baker County (Or.)
    Land use planning goal: To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and actions related to use of land and to insure an adequate factual base for such decisions. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County : Economic development strategic plan
    (Baker County (Or.), 2008-04) Baker County (Or.); Orbis Group
    This Economic Development Strategic plan recognizes that there are generally two levels of community and economic development activities: 1) more traditional economic development activities such as business recruitment, business retention, and community development (generally located in Baker City Hall), and 2) supplemental community development activities such as downtown development, tourism promotion, arts and cultural development, and advocacy for health care (generally located outside of City Hall). This plan respects all of these disciplines as important and integral to the future of Baker County. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker City : Baker interchange area management plan
    (City of Baker City (Or.), 2005-06-14) David Evans and Associates; Greenfield, Mark J.; Cogan Owens Cogan (Firm); Baker City (Or.); Baker County (Or.)
    The I-84 Baker Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP) for the interchange areas surrounding Interstate 84 Interchanges 302 and 306 describe existing traffic and land use patterns in the interchange areas, identify potential safety and traffic congestion issues, and propose policies and implementing measures that will ensure safe and efficient operation of the interchanges over a 20-year planning horizon and for the life of the interchanges. They are planning-based IAMPs. No structural improvements to either interchanges are anticipated. The IAMPs are developed in partnership with the City of Baker, Baker County, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), property owners and other stakeholders, including interchange users. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County : Transportation system plan
    (Baker County (Or.), 2005-06-30) Baker County (Or.); H. Lee & Associates
    The Baker County Transportation System Plan (TSP) addresses the County's anticipated transportation needs through the year 2025. It has been prepared to meet state and federal regulations that require urban areas to conduct long-range planning.... The long-range planning is intended to serve as a guide for Baker County in managing their existing transportation facilities and developing future transportation facilities. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County : Community wildfire protection plan
    (Baker County (Or.), 2006-02-15) Baker County (Or.)
    [The Plan is] A working document that will serve as a resource for providing information that will enhance community safety through hazard and risk reduction in the wildland-urban interface areas of Baker County.... This community wildfire protection plan has been prepared in compliance with the National Fire Plan, the 10-year Comprehensive Strategy, the Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan (Baker, Union, and Wallowa Counties), Oregon Senate Bill 360 (The Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Act of 1997), and Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA). [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker County: Development code
    (Baker County (Or.), 1983) Baker County (Or.)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents under their own titles. In some cases the sections pertaining to subdivision of land may be included in the zoning ordinance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Baker City/County : Strategic plan
    (Baker City (Or.) and Baker County (Or.), 2004-12) Baker City (Or.); Baker County (Or.)
    The purpose of this document is to guide the activities of the Baker City/County Economic Development Council for the years of 2005 to 2007. The Plan should ensure that these activities are articulated to the residents of Baker City and County. This Strategic Plan should also serve Baker City, Baker County and the incorporated communities of Baker County. In addition to coordination with the public sector, the Plan should provide the private sector with a prioritized list of existing and scheduled activities, marketing plan, list of targeted industries, and planned strategic investments that will strengthen the local economy. (From the Plan]