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Browsing Veneta, Oregon Planning Documents by Issue Date
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Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 1998-07-13)
The 1990 Veneta Comprehensive Plan included an element pertaining to parks and open
space. This Parks Plan updates the existing comprehensive plan parks element by analyzing
existing conditions; assessing current and ...
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2000)
The basic function of the Comprehensive Plan is to provide policy for coordinating and guiding
change in Veneta over a long period of time. The Comprehensive Plan also:
Guides local government officials and staff in ...
Veneta (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2001-07)
The Veneta Transportation System Plan (TSP) is the long-range policy document that guides
transportation planning within Veneta’s urban growth boundary (UGB) for the next 20 years.
The plan will be updated every five ...
Veneta (Or.); Satre Associates
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2002-08-26)
The Veneta Northeast Employment Center Specific Development Plan is a
blueprint for a mixed-use employment center in Veneta. The Specific
Development Plan (SDP) outlines land use configurations, street and
infrastructure ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2006-03-07)
Basic custodial revisions and clarifications of the Land Development & Land Division Ordinances including adoption of language requiring new residential subdivisions, planned developments, multi-family or manufactured home ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2006-03-07)
Basic custodial revisions and clarifications of the Land Development & Land Division Ordinances including adoption of language requiring new residential subdivisions, planned developments, multi-family or manufactured home ...
Veneta (Or.); Hayden Homes; Otak, Inc.
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-04-10)
This Veneta Southwest Area Specific Plan is a refinement of the Specific Plan that was presented to
the City of Veneta in 1999 and adopted in 2000. It includes a number of changes to address
conflicts between housing ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2006-04-14)
Changes to Veneta Land Development Ordinance adopting amendments to the Southwest Area Specific Development Plan and amending the code text to adopt the amended plan and plan map by reference.
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-04-24)
The Veneta Transportation System Plan (TSP) is the long-range policy document that guides transportation planning within Veneta’s urban growth boundary (UGB) for the next 20 years. The plan will be updated every five years ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2006-05-05)
Amendments to the Transportation System Plan including updated maps, capital projects lists, and general text revisions.
Dougherty Landscape Architecture; Marketek, Inc.; SERA Architects; Veneta (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-06)
In 1984, the City of Veneta put together a Taskforce to study the need for, and
potential of, an Urban Renewal District to help eliminate blight and serve as a
catalyst for redevelopment. A planning grant was secured to ...
Veneta (Or.); Rural Development Initiatives, Inc.
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-06)
The strategic plan update builds upon the work done by the Fern Ridge Community Response
Team and the foundation laid by the strategic plan completed in 1996. [From the Plan]
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2006-07-24)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2006-07-26)
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2006-12-15)
Expansion of the UGB and annexation to incorporate part of an existing gravel access road to allow for extension of a Major Collector to serve areas within the existing City Limits.
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2007-02-22)
Custodial amendments to the land devleopment and land division ordinancesAdoption of new regulations regarding submission requirements, design standards, transportation impacts, etc.
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2007-07)
The Fern Ridge Trail System is a long range vision. This document is a conceptual tool
that provides some general insight into the need for the proposed trail system, trail siting
opportunities, factors that influenced ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2007-09-26)
The City recently declared an undeveloped parcel zoned for parkland as surplus and traded it for a residential^ zoned parcel adjacent to a City park. The City seeks to change the Comp Plan and Zoning designations for these ...
Veneta (Or.)
(City of Veneta (Or.), 2008-09)
The purpose of the Community Facilities Assessment is to create a unified approach to
planning community facilities in Veneta by taking a comprehensive look at community
facilities and programming past, present and future. ...
Veneta (Or.)
(Veneta, 2008-10-31)
Amends the Veneta Land Development Ordinance 461 Article 5 related to landscaping and street trees, and Ordinance 399 regulating the removal of significant trees within the City.
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