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Pimentel-Mannan, Irin A.; Nese, Joseph F.T.; Newson, Alex; Nese, Rhonda N.T.; Kjellstrand, Jean
Exclusionary discipline practices are frequently utilized in schools despite decades of research indicating their ineffectiveness (American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force, 2008; Losen & Skiba, 2010; ...
Lin, Ting-fen; Linville, Deanna; Nese, Rhonda N. T.; Seeley, John; Shune, Samantha
(LISDEN Publishing Inc., 2023-12-19)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) impacts the physiological and psychoemotional
aspects of life. COPD-related secondary sequelae also synergistically interact with
each other. For example, dyspnea affects the ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2006-04-24)
This book is designed to help preservice and inservice teachers learn about some of the educational implications of current uses of Artificial Intelligence as an aid to solving problems and accomplishing tasks. Humans and ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2004-12-13)
This document provides a relatively short overview of a large and complex field—problem
solving and roles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in problem solving. The
document has two main audiences and ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2005-01)
This is a reprint of a 1985 book. The 1985 book contains some of the history of the
organization that eventually became the International Society for Technology in Education, and
of the publication that eventually became ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2006-05-03)
This book is motivated by the problem that our K-8 school math education system is not as
successful as many people would like it to be, and it is not as successful as it could be. It is
designed as supplementary material ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2004-11)
Note to readers: This booklet is written in the first person, and it is somewhat like a transcript
of a workshop session. This is a workshop on roles of computers in problem solving and possible effects these roles
will ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2006-03-30)
This book explores various roles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in
talented and gifted (TAG) education. The three goals of this book are: To help improve the educational opportunities and education of ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2005)
Reprint of April 1989 book. Part 1 contains general background information that underlies the tool use of computers in
schools. In essence, it is a short computers in education course specifically designed for ...
Bastable, Eoin; Fairbanks Falcon, Sarah; Nese, Rhonda; Meng, Paul; McIntosh, Kent
Addressing racial disparities in school discipline is an urgent and widespread issue facing U.S. schools. One approach to improve racial equity in school discipline practice is to enhance the contextual fit of empirically ...
Green, Ambra L.; Hatton, Heather; Stegenga, Sondra M.; Eliason, Bert; Nese, Rhonda
Although there is increasing awareness of policy decisions contributing to disproportionality in exclusionary practices, few studies have empirically examined common elements of discipline policies across the nation. We ...
Furjanic, David; Mannan, Irin; Hamilton, Jillian C.; Nese, Joseph F. T.; Austin, Sean; Izzard, Sara; Nese, Rhonda N. T.
(The University of Oregon, 2022)
Exclusionary disciplinary practices are utilized in schools despite limited benefits and associated negative student outcomes. Alternative strategies, such as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, reduce exclusionary ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2004-12)
Getting Smarter at Solving Problems is specifically designed to be used as a
supplemental text in a secondary school Computer Literacy course. When used in
that format, the book contains sufficient materials to be used ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2004)
Getting Smarter at Solving Problems is specifically designed to be used as a supplementary
text in a junior high school or secondary school computer literacy course. This Teacher's Manual
is specifically designed to help ...
Castro, Esmeralda; Kelly, Nicole R.; Budd, Elizabeth L.
(Elsevier, 2023)
U.S. Hispanic/Latino adults are at heightened risk for developing diet-related chronic diseases. Healthcare
provider recommendations have shown to be effective for promoting health behavior change, but little is known
about ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2004-12)
This book contains materials for the Leadership Development Workshops I have created and
facilitated over the past few years. As the book title suggests, I have drawn heavily from the
human potential movement. Many of ...
Nese, Rhonda N. T.; Santiago-Rosario, María Reina; Malose, Saki; Hamilton, Jillian; Nese, Joseph F. T.; Horner, Rob
(The University of Oregon, 2021)
Exclusionary discipline practices have a direct negative impact on individual students, schools, and society at large. To improve equity and cultural responsivity, active efforts to assess the contextual fit of effective ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2005-01-01)
This short book addresses the problem that our elementary school math education system is
not as successful as many people would like it to be, and it is not as successful as it could be. It is
designed as supplementary ...
Nese, Rhonda; Santiago-Rosario, María Reina; Nese, Joseph F.T.; Triplett, Danielle; Malose, Saki; Hamilton, Jillian; Izzard, Sara; Newson, Alex
In this brief, we outline the five components of the ISLA model, as well as steps that school and district teams can take to begin implementing these practices within their positive behavioral interventions and supports ...
Moursund, David G.
(D. Moursund, 2005-01-01)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a major challenge to our educational
system. This book is designed for use by PreK-12 preservice and inservice teachers, and by
teachers of these teachers. It provides a ...
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