Douglas County : Natural hazards mitigation plan
Douglas County (Or.)
Douglas County (Or.). Emergency Management Dept.
Douglas County (Or.). Planning Dept.
Oregon Natural Hazards Workgroup
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Douglas County (Or,)
This mitigation plan seeks to provide resources, information and strategies for
risk reduction, while helping to guide and coordinate mitigation activities
throughout unincorporated areas of Douglas County. The Natural Hazard
Mitigation Plan provides a set of action items to reduce risk from natural hazards
through education, outreach activities, and the enhancement of partnerships,
which then can decide how to implement measures that would lessen a
disaster’s impact in Douglas County.
The resources and information within the mitigation plan establish a foundation
for the following:
Coordination and collaboration among agencies and the public in Douglas
Identification of specific vulnerabilities and possible future mitigation
Assistance to communities seeking to qualify for federal disaster
assistance programs;
Provides new and updated information for reviewing Douglas County
Comprehensive Plan and Emergency Operation Plans;
New natural hazard mitigation strategies [From the Plan]
150 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Referenced maps not included. Published 2003. Captured July 25, 2006.
Natural disasters -- Oregon -- Douglas County -- Planning, Emergency management -- Oregon -- Douglas County, Earthquake hazard analysis -- Oregon -- Douglas County, Severe storms -- Oregon -- Douglas County -- Planning, Floods -- Oregon -- Douglas County, Wildfires -- Oregon -- Douglas County -- Prevention and control -- Planning