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Magud, Nicolas; Reinhart, Carmen M.
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2005-06-02)
The literature on capital controls has (at least) four very serious apples-to-oranges problems: (i) There is no unified theoretical framework to analyze the macroeconomic consequences of controls; (ii) there is significant ...
Magud, Nicolas; Reinhart, Carmen M.; Rogoff, Kenneth S.
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2005-11)
The literature on capital controls has (at least) four very serious apples-to-oranges problems: (i) There is no unified theoretical framework to analyze the macroeconomic consequences of controls; (ii) there is significant ...
Magud, Nicolas
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2004-09-01)
The paper analyzes the choice of an exchange rate regime for a small open economy indebted in foreign currency, incorporating the ¯nancial accelerator. Conventional wisdom suggests that floating regimes should insulate the ...
Magud, Nicolas
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2004-10-20)
In choosing an exchange rate regime for a small open economy, the common wisdom (Friedman (1953), Meade (1950)) calls for a °oating regime to outperform a peg because of the ability of the former to cope with relative price ...
Magud, Nicolas
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2005-05)
In the presence of informational frictions and uncertainty, an investment model is developed to capture the asymmetric dynamics of business cycles. When affected by a negative shock, the economy responds differently than ...
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