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Stockard, Jean: Recent submissions

  • Division of Educational Policy and Management, University of Oregon (College of Education, University of Oregon, 1984)
    Articles include "Toward Equality of the Sexes: Should Schools Take a New Approach?" by Jean Stockard, "Principal-Staff Relationships Affect Student Discipline" by Wynn De Bevoise, "Zeigler Examines Relationship Between ...
  • Stockard, Jean; Mayberry, Maralee (JAI Press Inc., 1990)
    Most of the literature on the effect of environmental variables on student achievement can be understood by utilizing two broad-ranging, key variables presented in theoretical examinations of environmental or contextual ...
  • Schmuck, Patricia A. (1979-11)
    In 1976 an OSSC Bulletin described how the work of women and men was segregated in Oregon public schools (Schmuck, 1976a). It was pointed out that sex segregation was most apparent in educational leadership. Although women ...
  • Stockard, Jean (1988)
    Today I want to comment briefly on the changes in women's position in our society over the last 20 years and the linkages between women's aspirations and the development of equal opportunity. I will first make a few general ...
  • Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1977-09)
    In recent years a number of authors (e.g. Osmond and Martin, 1975; Steinmann and Fox, 1970) have compared the attitudes of men and women toward the nature of appropriate sex roles. A few studies have also examined the ...
  • Johnson, Miriam M.; Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1976)
    Data from a large sample of high school women are compared with data from college women from diverse institutions with respect to findings concerning parental influences on the sex typing of their daughter's occupational ...
  • Bugas-Schramm, Patricia; Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1976-03)
    In this paper we examine, the relative influence of parents, peers and teachers on males' and females' delinquent proclivity. Much has been written on peer and parental influences on adolescent behavior (Jensen, 1972; ...
  • Stockard, Jean; Johnson, Miriam M. (University of Oregon, 1973)
    Copy of measure designed to assess self-views thought to differ between men and women. Title page includes short explanation and citations for related articles.
  • Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1992)
    Extensive notes for the quantitative methods course for graduate students and advanced undergraduates (numbered Sociology 412 and 413).
  • Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1992)
    Notes prepared for students in Sociology 326, Quantitative Methods in Sociology.
  • Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1990)
    This paper presents a theoretical framework to organize disparate findings regarding women and conflict resolution. The framework accepts basic premises of theorists who emphasize gender differences and those who emphasize ...
  • Stockard, Jean; Acker, Joan; Johnson, Miriam M. (University of Oregon, 1976)
    New feminist ideologies have recently emerged to challenge again traditional notions about the proper place of women. "Women's liberation" is now receiving serious attention from many quarters, and both men's and women's ...
  • Boyington, Elizabeth; Schmuck, Patricia A.; Stockard, Jean (1977-08)
    The Center for Educational Policy and Management is a national center located on the campus of the University of Oregon and is vitally concerned with major issues confronting the educational world today. The placement of ...
  • Anonymous (1978-06-21)
    "We gave a conference and over 200 people came!" That was the animated response of one person who helped plan the first annual conference of Oregon Women in Educational Administration (OWEA). The conference, held June 21 ...
  • Stockard, Jean (1987-08)
    Of all the academic subjects students study, the ones that are most often sex-typed as feminine are reading, grammar, and spelling, the "language arts." Not only do girls generally do better than boys in these subjects, ...
  • Schmuck, Patricia A.; Stockard, Jean; Arends, Jane; Smith, Mary Ann; Kalvelage, Joan; Oller, Sakre; Williams, Peg; Hart, Janet; Starling, Carole; Kempner, Ken; Pougiales, Rita; Gubka, Nancy (University of Oregon, 1977-04)
    On the weekend of April 15, 16, and 17, 1977, 150 educators from around the state of Oregon met on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene to attend the Sex Equity in Educational Leadership Conference. The conference ...
  • Stockard, Jean (University of Oregon, 1978-09)
    This paper describes the work of the Women in Science Project from its beginning in the fall of 1976 to the present. The original purpose of the study and each wave of data collection is described. This is followed by a ...
  • Stockard, Jean (1983-04)
    This paper examines the relative influence of the parental family, school, work, and adult family experiences on women's educational aspirations. Subsequent papers in the series will examine influences on occupational ...
  • Stockard, Jean; Johnson, Miriam M. (1982)
    The sample includes all juniors and seniors in Sweet Home High School who were present in the required social studies classes on the day the questionnaires were distributed in the spring of 1982. The questionnaires were ...
  • Stockard, Jean; Greene, Jessica; Lewis, Priscilla; Richmond, Geraldine (American Chemical Society, 2010-06-20)
    A growing body of research documents numerous factors that contribute to women's under-representation in the top tiers of technical and scientific fields. This literature describes the ways in which biases against women, ...

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