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Browsing Hermiston, Oregon Planning Documents by Issue Date
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Hermiston (Or.)
(City of Hermiston (Or.), 2005-06-27)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2006-08-02)
Amend Comprehensive Plan Map designation from medium density/mobile home residential to commercial and amend zoning map designation from multiple-structure residential (R-4) to outlying commercial fC-2) for 0.7 acres of ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2006-09-05)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2006-10-02)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2007-01-29)
Amend uses permitted in Airport zone from a use permitted in a C-l zone to a use permitted in a C-2 zone. This corrects a typographical error in the Airport zone, which historically permitted C-2 uses. When the current ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2007-04-18)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2007-07-02)
Amend zoning ordinance to change regulation of public utilities, changing them from conditional to permitted uses. Also adopt limited land use procedures into zoning ordinance.
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2007-07-30)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2007-07-30)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2007-10-29)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2008-07-07)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2009-06-22)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2010-05-28)
Amend the City's comprehensive plan map from Low Density Residential (L) to Commercial (C) with a corresponding change in zoning designation from Duplex Residential (R-2) to Outlying Commercial (C-2) for approximately .44 acres.
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2010-08-30)
Adoption of a new floodplain ordinance, floodplain study, and floodplain maps in order to comply with FEMA requirements. The adopted ordinance is attached and the floodplain maps are incorporated by reference as "The Flood ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2011-03-25)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2011-05-31)
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2012-03-29)
The fairgrounds overlay zone is intended to provide an area to accommodate the various uses and accessory uses, which are associated with a county fairgrounds and regional event center Uses on the fairgrounds include ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2012-04-27)
The adoption of this amendment gives the City of Hermiston the ability to apply the Fairgrounds Overlay zone to a specific development site, namely, the area ust south of the Hermiston Airport, without affecting other ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2012-05-10)
The adoption of this amendment gives the City of Hermiston the ability to apply the Fairgrounds Overlay zone to a specific development site, namely, the area just south of the Hermiston Airport, without affecting other ...
Hermiston (Or.)
(Hermiston, 2012-06-29)
The adopted amendments changed the comp plan and zoning map designations of the property in order to expand the existing E Main Street commercial district and market the property for commercial uses.
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