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Browsing Reedsport, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience; Reedsport (Or.) (City of Reedsport (Or.), 2010-03)
    The city of Reedsport developed this addendum to the Douglas County multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in an effort to increase the community’s resilience to natural hazards. The addendum focuses on ...
  • Reedsport (Or.) (City of Reedsport (Or.), 2003-09-25)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Reedsport (Or.); DKS Associates; Winterbrook Planning (Firm) (City of Reedsport (Or.), 2006-02)
    This Reedsport Transportation System Plan (TSP) identifies projects and programs needed to support the City’s Goals and Policies and to serve planned growth over the next 20 years, and will be incorporated (by reference) ...
  • Johnson Gardner; Benkendorf Associates; Reedsport (Or.) (City of Reedsport (Or.), 2007-07-09)
    The City of Reedsport Urban Renewal Plan has been prepared to further encourage infill, rehabilitation and redevelopment that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations adopted by the Reedsport ...
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2006-02-27)
    The amendment package adopts the Reedsport TSP; amends the Reedsport City Comp Plan to include new transportation policies; and amends the Reedsport Development code to implement the new TSP including access management and ...
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2006-11-09)
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2007-12-07)
    Amend the Reedsport Zoning Ordinance to prohibit off premise signs along Highway 101 & 38 which are being designated as scenic byways. This will make the sign ordinance section compatible with ODOT's regulations for scenic ...
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2007-12-10)
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2010-02-05)
    The City of Reedsport updated the Comprehensive Plan, including the Land Use and Urbanization Element, Housing Element and Economic Element. As the basis for these updated Plan elements, the following studies were also ...
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2010-02-05)
  • Reedsport (Or.) (Reedsport, 2011-12-09)
    Reedsport Municipal Code 10.72.070, Commercial C-2 Zone, was amended to only allow "residential quarters as a secondary use" as a conditional use in all areas of the C-2 zone.
  • Reedsport (Or.) (City of Reedsport, 2013-04-02)
  • Reedsport (Or.) (City of Reedsport, 2015-05-20)
  • Reedsport (Or.) (City of Reedsport, 2015-05-20)

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