Therapeutic Communities in Prison: An evidence-based tool for treating drug involved offenders





ISSN der Zeitschrift



Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management, University of Oregon


Introduction: Intersection of Crime and Substance Abuse It is estimated that between 70% and 85% of the US prison population are substance abusers in need of some level of treatment (Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2001) This includes those incarcerated on drug possession and drug trafficking convictions, those who commit a crime to either support a drug habit, and those who commit crimes while under the influence of a drug. In 1996 it was reported that 7 out of 10 new arrestees tested positive on a urine screen for an illicit drug, and 62% of state prison inmates and 42% of federal inmates reported being regular drug users, further demonstrating the strong relationship between criminality and drug use (National Institute of Justice, 1996). And in a 1998 analyses it was determined that nearly 80% of state and federal inmates committed drug offenses, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of their crime, committed their crime to support their drug use, or had histories of problematic substance use (Center for Substance Abuse and Addiction, 1998).


Examining committee: Jessica Greene, Ph.D. Cassandra Moseley, Ph.D.


Drug abuse and crime
