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Browsing Geological Sciences Theses and Dissertations by Title
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Walowski, Kristina
(University of Oregon, 2015-08-18)
Volatiles (H2O, CO2, S, Cl) play a key role in magmatic processes at subduction zones. In this study, the dissolved volatile contents of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from cinder cones in the Lassen segment of the Cascade ...
Hampton, Rachel
(University of Oregon, 2023-03-24)
This dissertation brings together a variety of tools to investigate the processes that occur within the plumbing of mafic volcanic systems. In Chapter II we use a combined isotope, trace element, and thermal modeling ...
Abib, Nicole
(University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
Mass loss from tidewater glaciers worldwide has increased in recent decades, partially attributed to changes occurring at the ice-ocean interface. The melting of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets have contributed up ...
Hager, Alexander
(University of Oregon, 2023-03-24)
Mass loss from the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets has accelerated in recent decades and is predicted to contribute < 40 cm of mean sea level rise in the 21st Century. However, there is significant uncertainty in ...
Belien, Isolde L.M.B. (Leo Maria Beatrijs), 1985-
(University of Oregon, 2011-09)
Crystals influence the migration of gas through magma. At low concentrations, they increase the bulk fluid properties, especially viscosity. At concentrations close to maximum packing, crystals form a rigid framework and ...
Paulson, Kathryn
(University of Oregon, 2013-10-10)
The southern margin of the Kochkor Basin in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan is actively shortening. The South Kochkor Fault, a reverse fault that places Paleozoic granite on Neogene sediments, varies in displacement from 0-2 km while ...
Perry-Houts, Jonathan
(University of Oregon, 2019-04-30)
Tertiary history of the Pacific Northwest is closely tied to that of the Columbia River Flood Basalt (CRB) events. The region is, geologically, one of the least well understood parts of the continental United States.
Throughout ...
LaFayette, Gabrielle
(University of Oregon, 2019-09-18)
High fluoride concentrations in groundwater have been revealed as an environmental health concern. Groundwater in the Independence Basin of Central Mexico reaches over an order of magnitude greater than the World Health ...
MacKenzie, Kristen
(University of Oregon, 2013-10-03)
The outcrops of Coglan Buttes in southern Oregon are composed of numerous distinct sedimentary sandstone and volcaniclastic beds. In the past it has been mapped as a single Miocene sedimentary unit. Though the area was ...
Maynard, Leroy Carson
(University of Oregon, 1974-06)
The purpose of this investigation is to contribute information
about High Cascade volcanoes by studying one of them, Mt. McLoughlin, in detail. The study provides data on 1) the distribution and abundance of rock types, ...
Wisely, Beth
(University of Oregon, 2012)
This study of alluvial aquifer basins in southern California is centered on observations of differential surface displacement and the search for the mechanisms of deformation. The San Bernardino basin and the Upper Coachella ...
Seward, Ryan
(University of Oregon, 2014-06-17)
Single phase geothermal fluids sampled in 2007 from 1500m depth in Well RN-12 of the Reykjanes geothermal system in Iceland show large differences in dissolved copper, zinc and iron concentrations when compared with fluid ...
Hudak, Michael
(University of Oregon, 2021-11-23)
The goal of my dissertation is to expand the application of H2O, δD, and δ18O in silicic volcanic glass to a greater diversity of pyroclast cooling, degassing, and rehydration histories. All pyroclasts must cool from ...
McLaughlin, Win
(University of Oregon, 2012)
Hawk Rim represents a new mid-Miocene site in Eastern Oregon. This time period offers a rare chance to observe dramatic climatic changes, such as sudden warming trends. The site is sedimentologically and stratigraphically ...
Streig, Ashley
(University of Oregon, 2014-09-29)
Critical inputs to evaluate fault behavior models include the frequency of large earthquakes on plate boundary faults, amount of displacement, style of deformation in these events, and how these earthquakes are associated ...
Wiejaczka, Joshua
(University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
Detailed field studies of past eruptions contribute to constraining the input parameters used to forecast tephra dispersion and mitigate potentially fatal volcanic hazards. It is thus of the utmost importance to understand ...
Fisk, Harold N.
(University of Oregon, 1931-06)
Sulak, Daniel
(University of Oregon, 2016-11-21)
Icebergs calved from tidewater glaciers represent significant portions of freshwater flux from the Greenland Ice Sheet to the ocean. Using satellite data sets we quantify properties and distributions of icebergs in three ...
Klema, Nathaniel
(University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
Geomorphology leverages the competition between processes of uplift and erosion to infer geologic time-scale forcing on the earth's upper crust. While this framework has revolutionized our understanding of global mountain ...
Rabjohns, Kelley
(University of Oregon, 2013-10-03)
Rates of microbial reactions are important in understanding groundwater chemistry and bioremediation. In aquifers, microbial rates depend on physicochemical and biological factors and also on how groundwater transport ...
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