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Browsing Canyonville, Oregon Planning Documents by Title
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Canyonville (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; Douglas County (Or.); Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians of Oregon
(Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 2006-03)
The Canyonville IAMP is intended to outline access management strategies that will be
considered for implementation in conjunction with the I-5: Exit 99 Interchange
Improvement project and recommended long-term access ...
Canyonville (Or.)
(City of Canyonville (Or.), 1973-06)
The plan describes the intentions of the City of Canyonville's elected and
appointed Officials with respect to future development.
The plan is organized in ten sections: history; study area; topography and
soils; ...
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2006-02-24)
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2007-04-19)
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2009-11-23)
This amendment revises the City's flood plain ordinance to incorporate new floodplain standards for manufactured homes and to adopt the new FEMA maps for Douglas County and incorporated communities, effective February 17, 2010.
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2010-08-20)
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2011-11-28)
Repeals the City of Canyonville Sign Ordinance and adopts a new sign ordinance. Substantial new regulations have been established for th eplacement of signs on Commercial and Industrial property. Minimal changes have been ...
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2011-11-28)
The amendment adds public utilities as a conditionally permited use n all residential and commercial zones.
Canyonville (Or.)
(Canyonville, 2012-03-21)
The s.te design standards and temporary use permit are listed in two different sections of the Municipal code. The amendment will eliminate the duplication. There is an mconsistancy between the home occupation section of ...
Canyonville (Or.)
(City of Canyonville, 2013-06-24)
Canyonville (Or.)
(City of Canyonville, 2014-12-22)
City of Canyonville
(City of Canyonville, 2015-06-01)
City of Canyonville
(City of Canyonville, 2015-06-15)
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