Proposes to harvest timber on 825 acres, yielding approximately 10.8 million board feet (MMBF). Includes moderate partial cutting on 591 acres, moderate partial cutting with multi-story objectives on 121 acres, commercial thinning on 87 acres, and salvage on 26 acres, all to be sold over four years beginning in fiscal year 2007. Would also require 7.5 miles of road closure, decommissioning on .4 miles of open roads, and road maintenance on 21.6 miles of other Forest roads.
311 pp. Maps, figures, tables, and appendices.
T.13S, R.6E, Sections 25 and 26; T.13S, R.7E, Sections 29-31,
and 32; T.14S, R.6E, Sections 12-14, 22-28, and 33-36; T.14S., R.7E., Sections 5-8, 17-20, 30, and
31; T.15S., R.6E., Sections 1-3, 11, 12, and 36.
Captured April 25, 2007.