Historic Preservation in Deep Rural Places: A Historic Resources Study of Petroleum County, Montana





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The field of historic preservation, until recently, overlooked rural communities in its mission to preserve historic resources. While the preservation community begins to focus more on landscape preservation and rural areas, there still exists a lack of information and understanding of the places, the people and their needs. This terminal project addresses the issue of preservation in deep rural communities through a single indepth case study in the form of a Historic Resources Study of Petroleum County, Montana. This Historic Resources Study (HRS) has laid the groundwork for future preservation activities in Petroleum County in three ways. First, it presents a broad history of the area from which to gain knowledge of the local history and understanding of how and why the historic resources are there. Second, it supplies an identification and explanation of a selection of both rural and urban historic resources. Finally, it provides an overview of historic preservation and many of the programs that have been successful in rural places. In addition, it gives a list of recommendations for historic preservation action in Petroleum County and contributes to a heritage education program by providing a lesson plan for the Winnett High School.


260 p. A terminal project presented to the Historic Preservation Program of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.


Historic preservation, Rural, Rural landscapes, Heritage education, Petroleum County (Mont.)
