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Quinton, Dawson Xavier
(University of Oregon, 2020)
Sports are deeply engrained within the culture of the United States, and professional sports at its highest level generates immense levels of revenue. These sports, however, are played within grand arena’s that cost ...
Eaton, Lauren Elizabeth
(University of Oregon, 2020)
The goal of this thesis is to create a framework for professionals in the fitness industry to accommodate people with special needs, specifically those with autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. My intent is to educate ...
Lightcap, April
(University of Oregon, 2023-07-06)
The United States holds alarming records for highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the developed world. The US infant mortality rate is on par with many low and middle income countries, and despite the decline in ...
Thompson, Jalen
(University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
Framing my discussion in the 1990s and early 2000s, my dissertation—“A Counterhistory of the Ratchet”—explores what I term “the ratchet aesthetic” as both an aesthetic language that rejects the politics of respectability ...
Ring, Annalee
(University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
This dissertation de-naturalizes and re-politicizes patriarchal, white supremacist and settler-colonial systems of meaning through creating a methodology of critical feminist semiology. This methodology is built from the ...
Moore, Anna
(University of Oregon, 2017-05-01)
The practice of diplomacy has changed dramatically in recent decades as a result of technological advancements and shifting geopolitical concerns. No longer confined to the cloaked and closed-door practices of elite state ...
Gorham, Chandler
(University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
This thesis examines the changing role of Arizona State University (ASU) in Phoenix and the United States from 1950 to 1994. The regional alliance of boosters in Phoenix made ASU a key part of the Valley’s economy as the ...
McCafferty, Kali
(University of Oregon, 2022-10-04)
Autistic youth and youth with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) are at an increased risk of experiencing potentially traumatic events. As such, they may benefit from extra support across service providers; ...
Hollenbaugh, Kelsey
(University of Oregon, 2019-01-11)
This study was an investigation of the instructional strategies used by both Suzuki and non-Suzuki teachers when teaching private studio violin lessons. This study was conducted in two phases. In phase one, participants ...
Mark, Brandon
(University of Oregon, 2020-02-27)
Two central questions in neuroscience are how the brain is capable of both generating the diversity of neurons necessary for generating appropriate behaviors and how developmental programs are capable of then wiring these ...
Schroder, Matthew
(University of Oregon, 2017-09-06)
Federal funding has been a frequent political issue for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). The corporation has come under the threat of being defunded many times since its inception. Those calls have been renewed ...
Garner, Alexandra
(University of Oregon, 2023-03-24)
Heroic fantasy produced by Anglophone creators overwhelmingly and often explicitly draws on western mythopoetic literary traditions. Just as products of the Renaissance and the Victorians before them, late 20th and 21st ...
Pitts, Christine Maria
(University of Oregon, 2018-09-06)
In 2011, Oregon was one of many states in the U.S. consolidating their education governance around an early learning, K-12, and postsecondary hub. This study uses legislator-voting data to investigate the relationship ...
Birrueta, Maira
(University of Oregon, 2022-10-04)
Latinx youth and their immigrant parents experience unique challenges and barriers within the U.S. educational system including language barriers, less teacher-parent communication, and discrimination (Olivos, 2004). Growth ...
Shaykis, Sylvia
(University of Oregon, 2020-02-27)
This study examined the feasibility of a web-based adaptation of a promising parenting intervention and examined preliminary data on its effectiveness. Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) is a strength-based ...
Douglas, Jordan A. G.
(University of Oregon, 2019)
With at least 25 attested languages in the family, the Cariban Language Family is found from Columbia to French Guiana to the Brazilian Amazon. Through a historical reconstruction that looks at 15 language in the family, ...
Evans, Joshua
(University of Oregon, 2021-09-13)
After Augusto Boal passed away in 2009, a significant dispute developed within the Theatre of the Oppressed community concerning whether his methods should be reimagined to combat structural oppression more effectively. ...
Kambour, Zoey
(University of Oregon, 2021-09-13)
Scholars universally acknowledge the eleventh century as the turning point in medieval Iberian history. Léon-Castile did not ally with the papacy until 1080 at the Council of Burgos when their liturgical practices were ...
Brand, Colin
(University of Oregon, 2021-09-13)
Our closest living relatives are two species in the genus Pan: bonobos and chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are further divided into four subspecies. While there are a number of phenotypic similarities between bonobos and chimpanzees, ...
Garvin, Kaitlyn
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
In 1832, fishermen pulled a full-body bronze sculpture of a youth, now called the Piombino Apollo, from the sea near ancient Populonia. Under life-size, the piece resembles an Archaic kouros, though it has some notable ...
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