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Endres, A. Brian; Johnson, Nicholas R.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
Evaluating prospects for reform require an understanding of the
current system and its constituents—especially the agencies subject to
change. Accordingly, Part I provides a brief overview of the historical
development ...
Byrne, Donna M.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
The purpose of this Essay is to explore the societal forces that
resulted in the transition from small, low tech, labor intensive raw milk to the commercially produced pasteurized homogenized, often
low-fat milk available ...
Miller, Kenneth; Prizio, Adam
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
Legal services for small-scale farms need to be made accessible,
affordable, up to date, and relevant. This Essay presents three ways in
which a law practice can adapt to meet the complexity of needs of
small-scale ...
Sullivan, Edward J.; Solomou, Alexia
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
Forest lands are central to the identity and economy of Oregon.
Though both public and private forest lands contribute to the health and stability of Oregon, this Article focuses on public and private
forest lands not ...
Blodgett, Abigail D.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
Part I provides a brief introduction to Oregon’s expansive land use
system. Part II then discusses the revolt against Oregon’s system that
resulted from the state’s approach to private land use regulation. One
way that ...
Leerssen, Anika E.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
This Article analyzes the aggressive, creative strategies of
promoting sustainable growth illustrated in the proposed federal
surface transportation bill, Oregon’s new law, and California’s recent
anti-sprawl legislation. ...
Kofele-Kale, Ndiva; Gonzaga, Fausto Mendanha
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
The Article explores the intersection between positive international
law and domestic legislation in the protection and management of
transboundary water resources, with particular focus on the Brazilian
Blumenauer, Earl
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
The discussion of regulatory reform should be a discussion of how
the federal government does business. There is a tremendous opportunity to craft better programs to create more value for the
public and regulated entities, ...
Zeller-Powell, Christine Elizabeth
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
Electricity generated from woody biomass material is generally
considered renewable energy and carbon neutral. However, this has
recently been criticized by scientists, who argue that the greenhouse
gas (GHG) emission ...
Keith, Maxwell
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
This Article discusses the validity of issuing patents for genetically
engineered (GE) traits for plants. These patent applications present the
USPTO with the issue of authorizing patents that have an ability to
create ...
Gellers, Josh
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
During the second half of the twentieth century, many countries
fundamentally altered the way in which their legal systems addressed environmental issues. In particular, legal innovations were developed
to offer citizens ...
Kroger, John; Long, Geoffrey
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
In an effort to learn more about Oregon’s prosecution of
environmental crimes, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation
(JELL) articles editor Geoffrey Long sat down with Attorney General
John Kroger. AG Kroger has ...
Orth, Derek
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
Part I of this Comment introduces the facts behind the BP disaster
and compares the legal and legislative reactions to the Exxon Valdez
and the Deepwater Horizon spills. Parts II–III document the
development of the 1990 ...
Bush, Brittan J.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2011)
The Deepwater Horizon spill exposed a variety of regulatory
failures by the federal government. After the spill, critics attacked
regulators for an inadequate environmental review process under the
National Environmental ...
Miller, Loye; Shotwell, J. Arnold
(Museum of Natural History , University of OregonMuseum of Natural History,
University of Oregon, 1972-12)
The journal is Dr. Miller's account of the
University of California field expedition into
the John Day Basin of Central Oregon in 1899.
This expedition, as well as many that followed
from that institution, was led by ...
Boos, Sonja
(University of Oregon, 2022)
Long recognized as a pioneer of experimental filmmaking and feminist documentary theory, Julia Lesage is the closest we have to a feminist film scholar-practitioner. This interview was conducted by Sonja Boos on 16 January, 2020.
Chemerinsky, Erwin
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2018-04-10)
Transcript of a symposium presentation.
Peck, Robert S.; Durham, Christine; Wolff, Michael; Hannaford-Agor, Paula
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2018-04-10)
Transcript of a symposium panel discussion.
Hooks, Molly M.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2024-05-01)
Pollution from shipping ports disproportionately harms low-income communities and communities of color. With an eye toward environmental justice, the Inflation Reduction Act will help mitigate this disparity. Specifically, ...
Bahadue, Suria M.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2016-05-09)
On January 13, 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) made history. The EPA issued its thirteenth veto in nearly half a century to shut down portions of the largest mountaintop removal mining project ever ...
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