Clackamas County communication use lease environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact

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Baxter, Amanda J.
Eyak Technology
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District

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Clackamas County has applied to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for a Communications Use Lease to construct and operate a telecommunications facility on BLM-administered lands in an effort to greatly improve county communication systems for emergency services (police, fire, and rescue). The proposed telecommunications project is located approximately 1.5 miles north of U.S. Highway 26 and the Brightwood area. This environmental assessment discloses the predicted environmental effects of three alternatives: the Proposed Action (with lattice tower), one action alternative (with monopole tree tower), and the No Action alternative. The Proposed Action is for BLM to issue a communication use lease that would authorize Clackamas County to construct a telecommunications facility that consists primarily of a 70-foot tall lattice-type telecommunications tower, an equipment shelter at the base of the tower, and a surrounding fenced compound. The tower and supporting infrastructure would require a 3,520- square fenced compound and would be accessed by an existing road. In the Action Alternative, the telecommunications tower would be a monopole disguised to look like a tree.


41 pp. Maps, figures, appendix, glossary, illus. Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Section 14.


Telecommunication -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Salem Region
