Condenser Peak LSR enhancement projects 2 and 3 final decision and decision rationale


Announces decision to implement two proposed projects. Project 2 will restore four small mesic meadows. It would cut or girdle most conifers in 4 meadows, and would thin conifers within approximately 100 feet of the meadow edges. Meadows vary in size from 1/2 acre to 2 1/2 acres. A minimum of 100 square feet of basal area would be maintained in thinned areas around the meadows and trees felled or girdled would be suppressed, intermediates and codominants, leaving the largest trees standing. Project 3 will enhance habitat for wildlife species that are associated with late-seral forest habitats and CWD by creating CWD and snags in areas adjacent to Project 1. Trees would also be felled into area streams to enhance stream structure. The proposed treatment area is approximately 172 acres.


15 pp. Table, map. Township 7 South, Range 8 West, Sections 13, 14 and 15. Captured July 7, 2008.


Stream conservation -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Wildlife habitat improvement -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Meadow ecology -- Oregon -- Salem Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Salem Region
