The Just Distance: A New Biomedical Principle
Qualtere-Burcher, Paul, 1963-
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University of Oregon
This work argues that the principle of autonomy set forth in the Principalist theory
of biomedical ethics should be replaced by "the just distance"-a concept first suggested
by Paul Ricoeur. Beginning with the prevailing critique of autonomy in feminist
philosophy and medical ethics, the paper then explains why a principle encompassing
narrativity, relationality, and singularity would provide a better guiding standard for the
doctor-patient encounter than the current rule of "respect for autonomy". The final
chapter gives examples ofhow the just distance can be used in a clinical setting, and
responds to possible critiques of this new principle.
ix, 55 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number.