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Carver, Deborah A.
(Mountainside Publishing, Inc., 1991-07)
Breakstone, Elizabeth
(Chronicle of Higher Education, 2005-09-30)
Hixson, Carol G.
(Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, 2012-10-29)
Hixson, Carol G.
(Florida Atlantic University Libraries, 2018-08-24)
Hixson, Carol G.
(Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, 2013-04-25)
Hixson, Carol G.
Hixson, Carol G.
(Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, 2013-03-04)
Harper, Corey A.; Tillett, Barbara B.
This article discusses how various controlled vocabularies, classification schemes and thesauri can serve as some of the building blocks of the Semantic Web. These vocabularies have been developed over the course of decades, ...
Hixson, Carol G.
(Florida Atlantic University Libraries, 2020-04-09)
Grenci, Mary C.; Turvey, Michelle; Borneman, Dea; Letarte, Karen; Lubas, Rebecca L.; Nelson, Catherine
(Haworth Press, 2000)
Many technical services professionals feel that library school programs are not offering students the courses and/or content necessary to enter the profession in an entry-level technical services position. The presentations ...
Hixson, Carol G.
(Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, 2012-10-11)
Wexler, Geoff B.; Long, Linda, 1956-
Archivists frequently collect papers from people who have had long and productive careers, but
are challenged by aging, infirmity, and the end of life. Closely related is the archivist’s work with
caregivers, survivors, ...
Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A.
Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A.
Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A.
Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A.
Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A.
Zeidman-Karpinski, Annie
Hixson, Carol G.
(University of Oregon Libraries, 2006-07-03)
Rudy, Paul Jr.; Rudy, Lynn Hay; Shanks, Alan; Butler, Barbara A.
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