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Browsing Browse By Library Faculty Name by Author "Estlund, Karen"
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Estlund, Karen; Herbert, John
(Information Today, Inc., 2008-07)
Estlund, Karen; Briston, Heather
(Springer, 2010)
As universities begin to address their first significant collections of electronic records, the needs of the collections often outstrip the resources and support available. This poster will illustrate the steps taken to ...
Estlund, Karen; Herbert, John
(Western History Association, 2008-08)
Briston, Heather; Estlund, Karen
(Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft / Austrian Computer Society, 2010)
The “paperless office” concept has been around for decades, and many have cited that the electronic office has instead increased the amount of paper produced. Case studies have shown that a successful “paperless” system ...
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