Baccalaureate theses

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  • ItemOpen Access
    DIE NONNA [a translation]
    (University of Oregon, 1909) Gallogly, Elizabeth Van der Voort
    Thesis is a translation of Die Nonna by Rudolf Baumback.
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    Correlation of Absolute Configurations with Stabilities of Molecular Complexes
    (University of Oregon, 1964-08) Stalick, Wayne Myron
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    The Life Story of Colonel William Hayward
    (University of Oregon, 1941) Mitchell, Sally
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    Effects of Plastic Pollution on Deep Ocean Biota and Ecosystems
    (University of Oregon, 2015-06) Gerber, Kathryn
    The deep ocean acts as a sink for plastic pollution. What is less known is how the plastics will affect deep ocean biota and ecosystems. Plastics break down due to physical and chemical forces to overcome their initial buoyancy in the water, and are often covered by living matter to help weight them down. Water movement and certain geologic features also help distribute plastic to the deep ocean. Plastic pollution's effects on the deep ocean biota can include ingestion, inhalation, smothering, introduction of toxins, bacteria, viruses, and potentially diseases into organisms, the spread of invasive species to new ecosystems, and much more. Plastics also have the potential to alter the composition of the sea floor from that of a soft-bottom surface to more of a hard-bottom surface with very little oxygen and opportunity for gas exchange, affecting many sessile and infaunal organisms. These factors have the potential to decrease species populations and biodiversity. Additional areas of study that would greatly benefit the knowledge of how plastic pollution affects deep ocean biota and ecosystems include more research on how plastics interacting with hydrothermal vent fluid can affect surrounding organisms, as well as looking into if plastics from the deep ocean can be upwelled and the potential effects on having microplastics mixed in with the nutrient-dense waters. Due to the resilient nature of deep ocean plastics, the fragile nature of deep ocean ecosystems, and the ability of plastics to affect the health, mobility, and habitat of deep ocean biota, it is reasonable to predict significant negative impacts on deep ocean ecosystems. Mitigations to these issues are most efficiently tackled by reducing the source of these plastics, but effects of deep ocean plastic pollution will likely continue even after plastic production, consumption, and improper waste disposal is reduced.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparative Study of Stylesheets of Representative Newspapers
    (University of Oregon, 1907-06-07) Dill, William A.
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    Treasury Balances of Oregon and Interest Transactions of Indebtedness, Floating and Funded
    (University of Oregon, 1908-06) Dill, William A.
    It is the purpose of this paper to trace the financial history of the state of Oregon only as it affects treasury balances. The paper will be confined strictly to the transactions of the treasury department, and the legal, though sometimes blundering acts of the officials, and will aim to show what the people of Oregon have lost through the payment of interest, or through the loss incident to the accumulation of money which lay idle in the treasury vaults.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The story of Sigurd
    (University of Oregon, 1907) Wold, Clara Petra
    In the history of literature we find, again and again, old heroic stories such as the tales of the Siege of Troy or the legends of King Arthur or of Charlemagne, retold in different times and used to convey some truth to the existing age. The story of Sigurd is one of these. Representing as it does the hero of our race, and portraying deep conflict of passions, it affords a wide range for picturing the strength of man and his weakness. Primitive humanity, nature, the gods,-- for each writer these offer the means of conveying his ideas of life, whether philosophical, religious or socialistic. With this idea in mind, I have outlined the different versions of the story of Sigurd showing their differences in incident and purpose. "The Nibelungenlied" and "The Volsunga Saga" are told rather fully for on these are based the other versions. Wagner and Ibsen both have changed the story in so many ways in order to express their ideas concerning the life of man, that it is necessary to tell their stories in brief. Morris, in reverence for old faiths and truths has merely put the old Saga into poetic form of a freedom and grandeur of spirit that is beautiful. It is not strange that the story is continually recognized as racial by some noble mind and seized as a means for expressing some vital truth to his age; so grand, so purposeful is it, whether in the early "Nibelungenlied," the simple form of the "Saga," the dignified form of Wagner' s "Nibelungen Ring," the drama of Ibsen, "The Vikings at Helgeland," or Morris's finished and graceful "Sigurd the Volsung."
  • ItemOpen Access
    My life
    (University of Oregon, 1911) Hamble, Madge N.; Seume, Johann Gottfried, 1763-1810
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    Self-propelled motion of film boiling droplets on ratchet-like surfaces
    (University of Oregon, 2003-06) Melling, Laura
    We have observed a novel phenomenon by which asymmetrically structured surfaces can be used to direct the motion of film boiling droplets without applying an external force to the system. Droplets placed on such a surface move in a preferred direction, and under common conditions accelerate in that direction. In this thesis, we present a phenomenological description of the observed behavior, and develop a mathematical model for the motion of droplets on ratchet and non-ratchet surfaces. Using this model, we show that asymmetry is a requisite of the observed behavior. We also show that surface and droplet properties influence the resulting acceleration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Journeys into self & others : voices from North Northeast Portland, a visual documentary
    (University of Oregon, 2002-06) Dixon, Ariane Christine
    North Northeast Portland, Oregon is a predominantly African American community that has a long history of racial strife, as well as economic and social turmoil. Gentrification has caused many urban renewal projects to change the face of the community, both physically and psychologically. This process of change has been inflicted upon the community members. This thesis begins to present the voices and feelings of North Northeast Portland residents by exploring the history of the neighborhood and introducing readers to two residents of the area who have given their lives to helping North Northeast Portland and thrive. Accompanying this documentary is an investigation of the theoretical methods of ethnography and photojournalism employed for this study.
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    Inspiration and influence behind the keyboard styles of Isaac Albeniz and Enrique Granados
    (University of Oregon, 1990-05) Abendroth, Carey Lynn
    Isaac Albeniz and Enrique Granados stand as two of Spain's most prominent composers of the early twentieth century. Both composers established their careers through their compositions for solo piano. I shall examine the inspiration and influences behind the keyboard style of each man. After introducing the composers and touching on the issues of Nationalism and musical style in the introduction, I shall discuss Spanish inspiration in the works of Isaac Albeniz, particularly as found within his Iberia, and offer brief musical examples from his compositions. Similarly, in the subsequent chapter, I shall discuss Spanish inspiration in the works of Enrique Granados with emphasis on his Goyescas. In the final section of this thesis, I shall address various aspects of the composers' musical language and factors that influenced that facet of their keyboard styles.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Negro housing in Portland
    (University of Oregon, 1958) Bishop, Sue
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    A history of The Dalles
    (University of Oregon, 1915) White, Bertha P.