Detroit Ranger District

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Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Portland General Electric special use permit environmental assessment
    (2008-11) Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
    Proposes to authorize the following in a 20-year Special Use Permit: On the ONF-CRNG, MHNF, and WNF, a ROW that authorizes 1) continued operation and maintenance of the transmission line facilities; 2) routine vegetation management within the ROW; and 3) use and maintenance of service or access roads within the ROW. A special use authorization on the three National Forests that authorizes 1) management of danger trees outside the ROW; and 2) use and maintenance of transmission line service and access roads outside the ROW.
  • ItemOpen Access
    French Bug timber sale decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2008-09) Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
    Announces decision to select Alternative 3 to implement timber harvest on approximately 1276 acres of densely stocked, previously managed stands within the French Bug project area. This alternative will include commercial thinning on roughly 1264 acres, 1/2-acre gaps on 21 acres (15 acres within the thinning stands and 6 acres within the gap only stands), and larger gaps (1-3 acres) on 30 acres (22 acres within the thinning stands and 6 acres within the gap only stands). Total volume of commercial timber harvested is expected to be 15.1 million board feet (MMBF). Also includes maintenance and construction of roads.
  • ItemOpen Access
    French Bug timber sale environmental assessment
    (2008-07) Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
    Proposes harvesting 1255 of 2200 acres of stands. Approximately 945 acres would remain untreated. Also includes maintenance and construction of roads.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Blowout thin project decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2007-01) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 5 of the project EA, implementing timber harvest on approximately 751 acres, modified by converting some of the regeneration units to thinning units, and altogether dropping two regeneration units.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Blowout thin project environmental assessment
    (2006-11) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to harvest timber in overstocked, managed stands over 40 years-old and overstocked, 100 year-old fire regenerated stands on about 985 acres, with commercial thinning on 926 acres and regeneration harvest on 59 acres. Also includes closing 1.25 miles of road, constructing approximately 4.1 miles of temporary roads, and reconstructing 29.75 miles of existing roads.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Presley's Twin project decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2007-10) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 to begin harvesting timber (including thinning, shelterwood, and regeneration harvest) on about 1668 acres. Includes reopening of 3.5 miles of temporary spur roads and maintenance of 28.76 miles of existing system roads.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Three Pools Day Use Site Rehabilitation Project Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact
    (2007-05-02) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2, constructing 100 parking places, a scenic overlook, new toilet, picnic tables, wooden rails and barriers, and information and educational signage.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Three Pools Day Use Site Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment
    (2007-03) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to promote a safer, family-friendly atmosphere by providing a basic physical infrastructure, reconstructing road and parking areas, limiting capacity and fixing location, delineating and improving trails and obliterating undesirable or unsafe routes, installing features to protect resources and rehabilitate damage, and installing minor recreation and sanitation facilities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Presley's Twin Project Environmental Assessment
    (2007-07) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to harvest timber on 1668 acres, yielding about 19 million board feet. Includes about 834 acres of final shelterboard (overstory) removal, 52 acres of shelterboard creation, 3 acres of clearcut with reserves, 633 acres commercial thinning to 50 to 70% canopy closure and about 146 acres post and pole harvesting. Also includes road maintenance on 28.76 miles of road, and 4.1 miles of temporary road work.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Hawkins rock source expansion decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2005-08) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, to clear one acre of land immediately adjacent to the existing quarry of existing vegetation, strip it of topsoil, quarry it, and stockpile on the existing site to provide aggregate for the Blowout Road Maintenance Project.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Hawkins rock source expansion environmental assessment
    (2005-06) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to expand existing rock source on the edge of the existing area in an 18 year-old conifer plantation 2 miles west of Cub Point in order to provide aggregate for road reconstruction and maintenance. Expansion would generate approximately 100,000 cubic yards of crushable rock, and stripped soil overburden would be re-contoured in the depleted portion of the existing quarry to aid in reclamation. Crushed rock would be stockpiled on site for use on the Blowout Road Maintenance Project.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Detroit Lake State Park Master Plan decision notice / finding of no signficant impact
    (2003-06-11) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, approving the Draft Management Plan for three Detroit Lake State Park properties and identifying the conditions for a 20-25 year special use permit to be issued to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to manage the three sites. Also approves specific projects that will be implemented in the next five years to accomplish master plan objectives.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Detroit Lake State Park Master Plan environmental assessment
    (2003-05) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to: a) issue a 20-25 year special use permit to the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation to manage sites in the Detroit Lake State Park, Tumble Creek Point, and Mongold Day Use Area, b) approve a master plan for the three sites, and c) approve specific projects that would be implemented in the next five years to accomplish master plan objectives. Projects include sewer plans, highway and travel improvements, and construction of cabins and new administrative facilities for Detroit; conversion of Tumble Creek to an overnight group use area; and improvements such as a boat ramp and toilet in Mongold.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Bruno Meadows area road decommissioning decision memo
    (2003-04-14) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to decommission .8 miles of road, including Road 2234-175 and its spurs to revegetate with forage seed and transplant trees at the entrance, providing a more effective barrier to off-highway vehicle use. The project will enhance wildlife habitat with forage seeding while reducing disturbances, and will protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks and draining the roadbed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Upper Arm day-use development and site enhancement decision notice / finding of no significant impact
    (2002-10-29) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 4 eliminating the built-in mooring docks and the conceptual design changes in Alternative 5, converting and reconstructing the Upper Arm Recreation Site to a formal day-use site with picnic, swimming, fishing, hiking and interpretative facilities, while eliminating the five existing campsites. Improvements include picnic tables, a fishing platform, toilets, an interior trail system, and an information kiosk.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Upper Arm day-use development and site enhancement environmental assessment
    (2002-06) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to convert and reconstruct the Upper Arm Recreation Site to a formal day-use site with picnic, swimming, fishing, hiking, boat-in and interpretive facilities, while eliminating the five existing campsites. Improvements include picnic tables, a fishing platform, toilets, an interior trail system, and an information kiosk.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Shore 'Nuf timber sale record of decision and summary
    (2002-07) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of project EA, which modifies the action to include operating restrictions for helicopter, timber harvest, and truck hauling to reduce the effects of noise on recreation visitors and local communities. Includes commercially thinning approximately 1,136 acres using several harvest methods, conducting temporary roads, and reconstructing other roads.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Sugar Pine environmental assessment
    (2002-12) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to treat eight forest stands totaling an estimated 187 acres within the East Humbug Creek drainage by removing most trees below 11 inches in diameter by either commercial thinning or understory removal or a combination, treating brush and slash, and planting sugar pine and Douglas-fir seedlings in openings to represent natural conditions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area management plan decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2002-06-26) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 6 of the plan EA, specifically addressing the issue of allowing recreation use to increase in the Moderate Intensity Zone, and to allow activities that occurred on the date of enactment to continue at some level. Also plans to implement the Minimal Impact Suppression Tactics (MIST) as described in Article 3.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area management plan environmental assessment
    (2001-12) Detroit Ranger District (Or.)
    The proposed action is to adopt the Opal Creek SRA Management Plan developed by the Opal Creek SRA Advisory Council, in consultation with the Forest Service, as management direction for the Congressionally designated Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area. This plan would amend the 1990 Willamette National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. The plan defines a Desired Condition that is sought within all or portions of the SRA, and identifies applicable Standards to achieve these management goals.