5 Minutes: Interviews with Artists by MFA Candidates

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  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2023) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Arts Candidates, University of Oregon
    5 Minutes is a collection of informal interviews with the artists and art professionals from the University of Oregon’s Visiting Artist Lecture series, conducted by art and art history graduate students. The Visiting Artists Lectures calls upon its artists, curators, educators, and designers to speak on their background and their practice. 5 Minutes is an addendum that looks to create a more personal engagement between the visiting artists and the University of Oregon community. Occurring in studios, offices, and over Zoom, the interviews by their own structure are loose but reflect a meaningful look into the voices of the interviewer and interviewee.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2022) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    5 Minutes is a collection of informal interviews with the artists and art professionals from the University of Oregon’s Visiting Artist Lecture series, conducted by art and art history graduate students. The Visiting Artists Lectures calls upon its artists, curators, educators, and designers to speak on their background and their practice. 5 Minutes is an addendum that looks to create a more personal engagement between the visiting artists and the University of Oregon community. Occurring in studios, offices, and over Zoom, the interviews by their own structure are loose but reflect a meaningful look into the voices of the interviewer and interviewee.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2021) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    As the name implies, interviews would take place 5 minutes before large lecture artist talks. This edition's series was reformatted to accommodate the pandemic and the Zoom platform. We all have had to adapt to our collective reality. Adapting meant connecting digitally through glowing screens often taking place within the confines of our studios, offices, living rooms, bedrooms, while simultaneously taking care of children and pets or possibly taking in a bit of lunch at the same time, all while being in different geographies and time zones. There was an intimacy exchanged between MFA, art historians, and visiting artists that led many conversations to go long past 5 Minutes.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2020) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    5 Minutes is a limited-run publication featuring interviews between art and art history graduate students and art professionals invited to the University of Oregon through the Department of Art’s Visiting Artist Lecture Series. In this series, artists, curators and historians from widely varying geographies, disciplines, and methodologies lecture on their work, histories, and ideas, providing insight into their lives and practices. 5 Minutes is a platform to aggregate the casual, short-format interviews conducted throughout each academic year into a tangible, printed document that gives form to the otherwise ephemeral interactions. With a few exceptions, these interviews took place just before the visiting lecturer gave their presentation; the interviewer met the interviewee near campus and walked with them—sometimes quite frantically to stay on schedule—to Lawrence Hall where they would speak. As suggested by the title 5 Minutes, these encounters were brief, but they were also spirited. Each of the following interviews offers a meaningful glimpse into the individuals on either side of the conversation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2019) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    5 Minutes is a limited-run publication featuring interviews between MFA candidates and artists invited to the University of Oregon through the Department of Art’s Visiting Artist Lecture Series. In this series, artists from widely varying geographies, disciplines, and methodologies lecture on their work, histories, and ideas, providing insight into their lives and practices. 5 Minutes is a platform to aggregate the casual, short-format interviews conducted throughout each academic year into a tangible, printed-document that gives form to the otherwise ephemeral interactions. With a few exceptions, these interviews took place just before the visiting artists presented their lecture; the interviewer and an editor met the visiting artist near campus and walked with them—sometimes quite frantically to stay on schedule—to Lawrence Hall where they would speak. As suggested by the title 5 Minutes, these encounters were brief, but they were also spirited. Each of the following interviews offers a meaningful glimpse into the individuals on either side of the conversation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2018) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    This limited run publication marks the fourth year of 5 Minutes. The interview series takes the name from the short conversations between the MFA Candidates and the guest lecturers of the Department of Art's Visiting Artist Lecture Series. The lecture series is a benefit of the Department of Art, with each studio area inviting influential artists, curators, critics, and historians from around the world. Guest artists visit the studios of Graduate students and BFA candidates and often have lunch or dinner with a group of students, giving valuable feedback from perspectives outside of the department. The 5 Minutes interviews are a way for our students to share these artists' interactions to a wider community and to our campus at large.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2017) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    This marks the third edition of 5 Minutes, a limited run print publication of quick, informal conversations between graduate students and visitors to the Art Department at the University of Oregon. The MFA program at UO prides itself on interdisciplinarity, as such we invite a wide range artists representing some of the most innovative and influential work being done today to lecture on their work and ideas. Conversations between students and visitors often cross pollinate media and conceptual concerns, while raising questions relevant to artists at the beginning of their careers. We disseminate our conversations in print to engage the University at-large and communities beyond Eugene, Oregon. Each interview is generally conducted just before the visitor gives a lecture, although sometimes at lunch or after a studio visit. The interviewers select the artists/curators/scholars they are most interested in talking to and are encouraged to research their work and draft questions. We invite one other grad to be present for the interview to record, and help promote a relaxed conversational tone. Then, the interviewer transcribes and introduces their interview for the publication. This creates a wide diversity between the tone and character of each entry, in hopes of communicating something about the personality of the student and interviewee. 5 Minutes serves to capture one year of the graduate program at University of Oregon: who was here? What were our concerns?
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2016) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    5 Minutes was conceived in the 2014–2015 academic year as an initiative to research, engage, and share threads of discourse between University of Oregon Department of Art masters of fine art candidates, the department’s visiting artist lecture series participants, and the University community-at-large. The process gained a momentum that launched the initiative into an entirely graduate student-run fixture of the 2015–2016 academic year. As a participant in the first iteration of 5 Minutes, I aided this transition in the hopes of both continuing the interview series and of helping the series find its voice as a recurring process among students. This year, artists invited to hold studio visits with the masters of fine art candidates were added to the interview series, providing a lineup of visiting artists who presented lectures, held studio visits, or both. In expanding the conversations had with, about, and around these artists, the conversations have persisted and entered into all aspects of dialogue surrounding the Department of Art. Actively encountering the artists visiting our campus and choosing to push those encounters further has allowed the graduate students a proactive stance as well as an opportunity to more wholly engage the artists by breaking down the perceived barriers that often feel present in a lecture setting and can present themselves in a studio visit with someone you’ve only just met. Each of the interviews that follows was conducted in a variety of locations and recorded on a small handheld digital audio recorder by an active listener, transcribed and introduced by the interviewer, edited, and collected into this volume.
  • ItemOpen Access
    5 Minutes
    (2015) Department of Art, University of Oregon; Masters of Fine Art Candidates, University of Oregon
    The interviews collected in this publication were conducted by Department of Art MFA Candidates, in conversation with invited lecturers. The initiative is called 5 minutes and is a brief interview format, designed to occur fluidly during an invited lecturer’s visit. 5 Minutes was conceived of as a way to research, engage and share threads of discourse between MFA Candidates, invited lecturers, and the University community at large. The interviews themselves took place in a variety of locations, each recorded on a small handheld digital audio recorder. The recorded interviews were then transcribed, edited, and finally collected into this small volume.