Roseburg District

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Burma Triangle commercial thinning decision record
    (2008-05-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces ten units will be thinned, totaling 273 acres. Approximately 62 acres to be treated are allocated as Riparian Reserve. All remaining acres are allocated as General Forest Management Area. The Burma Triangle Commercial Thinning project will yield an estimated 3,725 thousand board feet of timber. Thinning in the General Forest Management Area will generate 1,977 thousand board feet chargeable to the Roseburg District annual allowable sale quantity. The remaining 1,748 thousand board feet derived from density management in Riparian Reserves and Unit 6 is not chargeable against the annual allowable sale quantity.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Adams Apple commercial thinning and density management decision record
    (2008-05-19) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces action on one unit (approximately 296 acres) of mid-seral, second-growth forest approximately 47 years old located in the Elk Creek/Umpqua River 5th Field Watershed. This project is within the General Forest Management Area (GFMA, 190 acres) and Riparian Reserve (106 acres) Land Use Allocations and will provide approximately 5.477 million board feet (5.477 MMBF) of timber available for auction. Approximately 3.519 million board feet (3.519 MMBF) of timber will come from the GFMA and 1.958 million board feet (1.958 MMBF) will come from the Riparian Reserve land use allocations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Adams Apple commercial thinning and density management finding of no significant impacts
    (2008-05-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan to initiate project on one unit (approximately 296 acres) of mid-seral, second-growth forest approximately 47 years old located in the Elk Creek/Umpqua River 5th Field Watershed. This project is within the General Forest Management Area (GFMA, 190 acres) and Riparian Reserve (106 acres) Land Use Allocations and will provide approximately 5.477 million board feet (5.477 MMBF) of timber available for auction. Approximately 3.519 million board feet (3.519 MMBF) of timber will come from the GFMA and 1.958 million board feet (1.958 MMBF) will come from the Riparian Reserve land use allocations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    South Umpqua River Watershed harvest plan environmental assessment
    (2008-07-08) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    The proposed action consists of approximately: 236 acres of regeneration harvest in the General Forest Management Area; 861 acres of commercial thinning and density management in the General Forest Management Area, Connectivity/Diversity Blocks and associated Riparian Reserves; and 448 acres of density management in Late-Successional Reserves.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lurch commercial thinning and density management decision record
    (2008-07-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces decision to authorize the Lurch portion of the Proposed Action Alternative as described in the Elkhead Commercial Thinning & Density Management EA. In addition, approximately 30 acres and a spur road that were analyzed in the Elkhead EA as part of Adams Apple (Unit 19A) but were deferred due to issues regarding legal access will be included with Lurch. The Project Design Features that will be implemented as part of the Action Alternative are described on pages 12-16 of the Elkhead EA. These project design features have been developed into contract stipulations and will be implemented as part of the timber sale contract. Lurch Commercial Thinning & Density Management will occur on five units (approximately 159 acres) of mid-seral, second-growth forest approximately 39-49 years old located in the Elk Creek/Umpqua River 5th Field Watershed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Suicide Squeeze density management decision record
    (2008-07-25) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces decision to authorize the Suicide Squeeze Density Management project, completing implementation of Alternative Two of the Olalla-Lookingglass LSR Density Management EA (pp. 4-11), and continuing implementation of Alternative Two of the Middle Fork Coquille 2007 Commercial Thinning and Density Management EA (pp. 5-14). Nine units located on lands allocated as Late-Successional Reserve will treat a total of 211 acres.
  • ItemOpen Access
    East Fork Rock Creek In-stream restoration decision record
    (2008-07-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces decision to authorize the Proposed Action (Alternative Two) of project EA. The East Fork Rock Creek In-stream Restoration project will place a total of 25 logs into four sites along a 600-foot section of East Fork Rock Creek.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lurch commercial thinning and density management finding of no significant impacts
    (2008-07-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan to initiate action on five units (approximately 159 acres) of mid-seral, second-growth forest approximately 39-49 years old located in the Elk Creek/Umpqua River 5th Field Watershed. Of the 159 acres of treatment, approximately 6 acres will be removed for the development of spur roads and rights-of-ways. In addition, approximately 1.4 acres of timber will be removed for the development of spur roads and rights-of-ways on private industrial forest lands.
  • ItemOpen Access
    South Umpqua River Watershed harvest plan finding of no significant impact
    (2008-06-30) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan to initiate 236 acres of regeneration harvest in the General Forest Management Area; 861 acres of commercial thinning and density management in the General Forest Management Area, Connectivity/Diversity Blocks and associated Riparian Reserves; and 448 acres of density management in Late-Successional Reserves.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dog Bone commercial thinning and density management finding of no significant impacts
    (2008-07-29) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan to initiate project on one unit (approximately 133 acres) of 46-52 years-old second-growth forest located in the Upper Umpqua Fifth-Field Watershed. Within these 133 acres, approximately 10 acres will be removed for the development of roads and spur right-of-ways. This project is within the General Forest Management Area and Riparian Reserve Land Use Allocations and will contribute approximately 1.8 million board feet of timber to help meet the Roseburg District's annual sale plan.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dog Bone commercial thinning and density management decision record
    (2008-06-23) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces decision to authorize timber sale located within the General Forest Management Area (GFMA) (101 acres), and Riparian Reserve (32 acres) land-use allocations. The stands that will be treated are second-growth forest that range in age from approximately 46 to 52 years old. Dog Bone will provide approximately 1.82 MMBF of merchantable timber available for auction.The unit consists of approximately 129 acres of mid-seral forest, 46-52 years old, and will have commercial thinning and density management treatments applied.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Elementary Watson commercial thinning and density management environmental assessment
    (2008-07-31) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Proposes commercial thinning and density management of approximately 288 acres of mid-seral forest stands, 40-64 years old in the proposed Elementary Watson timber sale. Within the 288 acres, approximately 3 acres would be cleared or brushed for spur rights-of-way or roads to access the harvest areas. The proposed sale is located in the Little River, Lower North Umpqua, and Lower South Umpqua fifth-field watersheds within the Adaptive Management Area (AMA), General Forest Management Area (GFMA), and Riparian Reserves.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Minnesota Flats commercial thinning decision record
    (2008-08-18) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces that 162 acres of mid-seral, second growth forest approximately 46-55 years old will be thinned from below.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lower Cow Creek 2007 commercial thinning and density management finding of no significant impact
    (2008-08-18) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers project initiating a site-specific thinning and density management of approximately 725 acres in the South River Resource Area. The treatment will occur within the Lower Cow Creek 5th field watershed of approximately 102,447 acres.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Cedar Shingle commercial thinning and density management decision record
    (2008-08-14) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces decision authorizing Cedar Shingle Commercial Thinning & Density Management, which will occur on seven units (approximately 468 acres) of mid-seral, second-growth forest approximately 37-53 years old located in the Elk Creek/Umpqua River 5th Field Watershed. In addition, approximately 6 acres will be removed for the development of spur roads and rights-of-way. This project is within the General Forest Management Area, Connectivity/Diversity, and Riparian Reserve Land Use Allocations and will provide approximately 7.471 million board feet (7.471 MMBF) of timber available for auction. Approximately 2.445 million board feet (2.445 MBF) of timber will come from the Riparian Reserve land use allocation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Cedar Shingle commercial thinning and density management finding of no significant impacts
    (2008-08-14) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan to initiate Cedar Shingle Commercial Thinning & Density Management, which will occur on seven units (approximately 468 acres) of mid-seral, second-growth forest approximately 37-53 years old located in the Elk Creek/Umpqua River 5th Field Watershed. In addition, approximately 6 acres will be removed for the development of spur roads and rights-of-way. This project is within the General Forest Management Area, Connectivity/Diversity, and Riparian Reserve Land Use Allocations and will provide approximately 7.471 million board feet (7.471 MMBF) of timber available for auction. Approximately 2.445 million board feet (2.445 MBF) of timber will come from the Riparian Reserve land use allocation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pass the Buck commercial thinning and density management decision record
    (2008-08-18) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Announces decision initiating project treating nine units totaling 205 acres. The Pass the Buck project will yield an estimated 1,997 thousand board feet of timber. Thinning of 79 acres in the General Forest Management Area and Connectivity/Diversity Block land use allocations will generate an estimated 679 thousand board feet chargeable to the Roseburg District annual allowable sale quantity. The remaining 1,318 thousand board feet derived from density management of 128 acres in Riparian Reserves and Late-Successional Reserves is not chargeable against the annual allowable sale quantity.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Little Wolf Quarry expansion environmental assessment
    (2008-06-09) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    The Little Wolf Quarry Expansion Project proposes to analyze the expansion of the main Little Wolf Quarry and to designate the site as a community rock pit. This quarry site is the only known source of high quality rock in this area of the coast range. The closest alternate source of suitable quality rock is approximately twelve miles away, four to five miles west of Sutherlin. Designation of the site as a Community Pit would reserve the mineral estate within the quarry limits to the federal government and would allow for multiple entries over the expected 25 year lifespan. This action is necessary to meet the current and future mineral material needs for the vicinity. The quarry site is in the Late-Successional Reserve land use area (LUA). The proposal includes the excavation of three acres of material along the southern and western edges of the existing quarry, along with the removal of overburden in this area and harvest of 36 MBF of mid-seral timber.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Little Wolf Quarry expansion finding of no significant impacts
    (2008-09-09) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan, over a 25 year lifespan, to expand and reclaim the existing Little Wolf Quarry. Over the lifespan of the quarry, the project would make approximately 400,000 cubic yards of high quality rock available for this area of the coast range. The quarry would be designated a Community Pit, reserving the mineral estate within the quarry limits to the federal government and would allow for multiple entries. Expansion, excavation, reclamation, and harvest would occur concurrently throughout approximately five phases of operations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Northeast Elk Creek density management environmental assessment
    (2008-11-24) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Swiftwater Field Office proposes density management of approximately 1,645 acres of mid-seral forest stands, 40-77 years old, in five separate proposed timbersales: Bear Bones (344 acres), Bucko (266 acres), Cox Pit (247 acres), General Lee (353 acres), and Mr. Bennet (435 acres). Within the 1,645 acres, approximately 35 acres would be cleared or brushed for spur right-of-ways or roads to access the harvest areas.