Burns District

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Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Horizon Wind Energy Northwest XLLC Pueblo Mountain site testing and monitoring project area decision record
    (2009-01-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision to implement the Proposed Action allowing the ROW applicant to renew the existing ROW grant, OR-63580, for a wind energy site testing and monitoring project area for a term of 3 years as requested by Horizon in its application and Plan of Development (POD). In addition, the BLM will authorize the ROW grant providing the ability to install, operate, and maintain two new met poles; exclusive use for wind energy testing and monitoring on an additional 467.75 acres in the project area; and the ability to perform geotechnical studies as requested by the Applicant with additional terms and conditions from the BLM concerning the installation of met towers and geotechnical studies.
  • ItemOpen Access
    West Wagontire allotment -- Tired Horse Butte fence decision record
    (2009-02-20) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    The Proposed Action is to install approximately 4.5 miles of fence in Tired Horse Butte Pasture of West Wagontire Allotment #7004. The fence would allow an improved grazing system.
  • ItemOpen Access
    West Warm Springs allotment management plan environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact
    (2008-10-16) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Due to the lack of reliable water in much of the West Warm Springs allotment, livestock, wild horses and burros are limited in most years to areas containing reliable water. The need for the proposed 2008 Allotment Management Plan is to ensure livestock grazing on public land moves toward achieving all Standards and Guidelines and meets the resource objectives identified for West Warm Springs Allotment and RMP objectives. The AMP/EA analyzes the recommended management actions developed through the evaluation process and subsequent Interdisciplinary Team work and through coordination with the livestock permittees to aid in accomplishing resource objectives and meeting Standards and Guidelines and land use plan objectives for West Warm Springs Allotment.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Cooperative management and protection area inholder road right-of-way access environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact
    (2008-07-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Analyzes whether or not and under what terms and conditions to issue a ROW to a private landowner for access to private inholdings within the CMPA including Lower Stonehouse WSA. The applicant is requesting an ROW in order to secure legal access through public lands to access private lands. The applicant has also requested the ability to maintain or improve roads to ensure year-round access.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Grassy Hill pipeline extension environmental assessment
    (2008-05) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    The proposed action is to create a new pipeline spur that originates at Al's Canyon Trough along Grassy Hill Pipeline, and ends at a new trough that would be placed approximately 1.5 miles due north. The new pipeline would be within T. 41 S., R. 36 E.; It would originate in section 13, and terminate the new trough in section 1. The pipeline would be buried (using a backhoe) 18 inches under an existing road, except for short lengths where rock or other underground features require an alternate route adjacent to the road. The trough would be placed approximately 1/8 mile off the road, on a broad topographic saddle. The trough would be equipped with a float valve to prevent overflow, and would include ramps to facilitate safe use by small mammals and birds.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Slickear/Claw Creek Forest restoration decision record
    (2008-10-25) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision approving project utilizing various methods of prescribed fire and mechanical treatments to reduce hazardous fuels, restore plant communities, and improve wildlife habitat diversity. The emphasis on treatments in forested areas would be to reduce densities of small diameter trees and duff and litter accumulations. The emphasis in shrublands, woodlands, and riparian areas would be to move conditions toward historic species composition and structure while reducing fuels in the vicinity of the towns of Burns, Hines, and Riley, as well as numerous ranches, homes, and dwellings.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Fish Creek inholder access-livestock crossing finding of no significant impact and decision record
    (2008-07-30) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision to implement proposed action allowing a landowner request for access to conduct livestock grazing on private land inholdings within Steens Mountain Wilderness. Harney County designated these private lands for agricultural use. Specific tax advantages exist for private landowners if these lands are used for agricultural purposes (typically livestock grazing in this area of Harney County). Should private landowners desire to make use of their private lands for livestock grazing purposes, BLM must implement the Steens Act provisions concerning reasonable access.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Otis Mountain/Moffet Table fuels management project decision record
    (2007-09-25) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision to implement a portion of the proposed action. Includes all of the rangeland burning and silvicultural thinning outside of the Rudy treatment area in the northeastern corner of the project area. A portion of the silvicultural thinning treatments will be accomplished under stewardship contracting authority.
  • ItemOpen Access
    South Steens allotment management plan proposed decision
    (2009-01-07) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision to implement project which constructs, rehabilitates and decommissions water developments; authorizes issuance of a 10-year grazing permit; and modifies the 1995 AMP to make significant progress toward achieving Standards for Uplands-Riparian/Wetland Areas and Water Quality within Steens Pasture.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Horizon Wind Energy Northwest XLLC Pueblo Mountain wind energy site testing and monitoring project area environmental assessment
    (2008-11-05) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Proposes that the BLM would renew the existing ROW grant for a wind energy site testing and monitoring project area with a term of three additional years as requested by Horizon in its application and plan of development. In addition, the BLM would grant Horizon continued access to and operation of two existing met poles; the ability to install, operate, and maintain two new met poles; exclusive use for wind energy on an additional 467.75 acres in the project area; and the ability to perform geotechnical studies.
  • ItemOpen Access
    South Steens allotment management plan environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact
    (2008-12-31) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    The EA analyzes modification of the South Steens Allotment Management Plan and effects to wild horses, grazing, and Wilderness Study Area (WSA) management in South Steens Allotment (#6002) from implementing Section 113 (e) (2), Section 202 (d) (2) and Title VI of the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Act (Steens Act) of 2000. The purpose is to analyze the need for replacement of live, reliable, late-season water for livestock and wild horses within South Steens Allotment while preventing impairment of wilderness suitability.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Steens Mountain travel management plan finding of no significant impact and decision record/final decision
    (2007-11-28) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision to adapt the proposed action of the project EA, except the requested Private Property Access Route within the Bridge Creek WSA, which will not be designated. Plan provides guidance on maintenance, improvement, and accessibility of routes, and discusses key issues of retaining historical access, protecting ecological integrity by reducing motorized vehicle use, closing specific routes, and addressing hiking trail and snowmobile use. Preferred alternative allows use of Historical Routes to the extent their character is not changed, and Obscure Routes will be shown on maps and open for public use, but not marked on-the-ground.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Steens Mountain travel management plan environmental assessment
    (2007-04-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Plan provides guidance on maintenance, improvement, and accessibility of routes, and discusses key issues of retaining historical access, protecting ecological integrity by reducing motorized vehicle use, closing specific routes, and addressing hiking trail and snowmobile use. Preferred alternative allows use of Historical Routes to the extent their character is not changed, and obscure routes will be shown on maps and open for public use but not marked on-the-ground.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pickett Rim bighorn sheep transplant finding of no significant impact and decision record
    (2006-11) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision to implement project to release approximately 30 California bighorn sheep onto Pickett Run, just west of Frenchglen in December 2006. The sheep would be trapped out of the John Day River Basin and transported in horse trailers to the release site. Vehicles pulling the trailers would use existing two-track roads to access the release site.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Brummed Out DMT timber sale decision documentation
    (2008-07-21) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District
    Announces decision implementing density management thinning harvests on 302 acres of conifer-dominated EA units and 62 acres of hardwood conversion, including removal of all red alder and thinning of existing conifers, on 3 hardwood-dominated EA units. Also includes construction of 1.73 miles of new road, and renovation of 4.7 miles of existing roads. A total of 4.99 miles of constructed and existing roads would be decommissioned.
  • ItemOpen Access
    North Steens ecosystem restoration project record of decision
    (2007-09) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Announces decision implementing the preferred alternative of project FEIS, utilizing a combination of prescribed burning and wildfire, western juniper treatments, fencing, seeding, planting, and other methods to reduce juniper-related fuel loading and restore a healthy and natural ecosystem on Steens Mountain.
  • ItemOpen Access
    North Jetty interim repair finding of no significant impact
    (2008-07-21) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District
    FONSI excludes EIS and Decision Record implements project allowing use of BLM land for an overnight staging area for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to analyze the environmental effects of an interim repair of the Coos Bay North Jetty. The project will provide a stable entrance channel and minimize the need for maintenance dredging.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Green Peak timber sale decision documentation
    (2006-08-22) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District
    Announces decision to implement regeneration harvest of approximately 189 acres, a commercial thinning of about 906 acres, construction of 1.9 miles of new road, renovation or improvement of 11.5 miles of road, and decommissioning 2.3 net miles of road.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Willow Creek road reroute environmental assessment
    (2006-10-05) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
    Proposes to grant request from private property owner seeking to replace a portion of road that accesses their property on the eastern slope of Steens Mountain. Includes relocating route by eliminating stream crossing on public land and reducing motorized access across the High Steens Wilderness Study Area (habitat for threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout), and allowing a new "way" which would be developed and maintained solely by the passage of vehicles.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Paradise Creek snag project decision record
    (2007-04-24) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District
    Announces decision implementing project creating down wood by falling trees and snags by topping trees with chainsaws on the Paradise Creek drainage in the Middle Umpqua Watershed. Treated trees will be grouped to create small openings around a dominant "select" tree to release the tree from competition.