Response-Induced Reversals of Preference in Gambling: An Extended Replication in Las Vegas, No. 6
Lichtenstein, Sarah
Slovic, Paul
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Oregon Research Institute
Previous experiments, studying college students in a laboratory setting , have demonstrated the effects of response mode upon information-processing strategies employed in gambling decisions. The present experiment extended , in a Las Vegas casino, the findings of the previous studies . As in the laboratory , the casino patrons were found to employ different strategies when choosing among pairs of bets than when attaching monetary values to single bets. This behavior led to reversals of preference as a function of response mode . The reversals were found for bets with negative as well as positive expected value . These results suggest a bias due to cue-response compatibility that may have implications for information processing in a variety of decision- making situations .
17 pages
Las Vegas, response-induced reversals, gambles, reversals of preference, experimental literature