Merit project timber harvest and road closure activities environmental assessment, decision notice and finding of no significant impact

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Prairie City Ranger District (Or.)

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Promises to promote ecologically sustainable upland forest vegetation and to improve water quality, as past timber harvest and lack of prescribed fire have left many of the forested stands overstocked, and many of the roads contributing sedimentation into nearby streams. Activities include commercial thinning timber harvest, closing or decommissioning roads, adjusting areas managed for dedicated old growth to provide better wildlife habitat, and generally to promote the resiliency of upland forests and improve watershed conditions by reducing road-related impacts. Decision notice announces implementation of Alternative 2 of project EA with modifications.


411 pp. Tables, figures, maps, appendices, references. "T.15S.; R.33E.; T.15S.; R.34E.; T.16S., R.33 1/2 E., T.16S., R.33E.; T.17S., R.33E., and T.17S.,R.33 1/2 E." Captured June 11, 2008.


Forest management -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Forest roads -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest, Watershed management -- Oregon -- Malheur River Watershed
