Prairie City Ranger District

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Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Knox hazardous fuels/Forest health project environmental assessment
    (2008-09) Malheur National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
    The project would involve approximately 7,230 acres of forest management treatments and integrated design elements. Proposed treatment and harvest operations would include: harvest activities (commercial thinning, precommercial thinning, biomass utilization), fuel treatment (prescribed burning, hand-piling, machine slash treatments, whole tree yarding), and aspen restoration (release with lop and scatter, commercial thin, or caging). Transportation system activities include use of temporary roads, road maintenance, road closures, and road decommissioning. Integrated project design elements provide for protection of cultural or historical sites, soil, water, fish, wildlife, range, native plants and trees, scenery, and recreation resources.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Merit project timber harvest and road closure activities environmental assessment, decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2005-12-16) Prairie City Ranger District (Or.)
    Promises to promote ecologically sustainable upland forest vegetation and to improve water quality, as past timber harvest and lack of prescribed fire have left many of the forested stands overstocked, and many of the roads contributing sedimentation into nearby streams. Activities include commercial thinning timber harvest, closing or decommissioning roads, adjusting areas managed for dedicated old growth to provide better wildlife habitat, and generally to promote the resiliency of upland forests and improve watershed conditions by reducing road-related impacts. Decision notice announces implementation of Alternative 2 of project EA with modifications.
  • ItemOpen Access
    High Roberts fire salvage decision memo
    (2004-09-20) Prairie City Ranger District (Or.)
    Announces decision to salvage approximately 209 acres of dead and dying trees burned by the 13,535-acre fire in 2002. Includes construction of about 300 feet of temporary access road, economic value recovery from about 2700 MBF of merchantable trees , and the installation of two temporary culverts.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Middle Fork John Day range planning project draft environmental impact statement and proposed forest plan amendment
    (2005-06) Blue Mountain Ranger District (Or.); Prairie City Ranger District (Or.)
    Proposes to provide grazing while assuring that livestock management is consistent with Malheur Forest plan and moves toward meeting aquatic and other standards. Includes combining 8 allotments into 6 and continuing authorization of livestock grazing, implementing deferred or rest rotational grazing, minimize duration of hot-season grazing, adjusted grazing based on monitoring, and the continuation of other activities such as recreational use and fire protection.
  • ItemOpen Access
    16 Road forest health project environmental assessment, decision notice and finding of no significant impact
    (2006-09-29) Prairie City Ranger District (Or.)
    Environmental assessment proposes to take action on hazardous fuel reduction and related needs along the 16 Road area forested public travel corridor identified in the Grant County Community Fire Protection Plan as containing a fire evacuation route from an "at-risk community." Decision Notice announces implementation of Alternative 2 of the project EA, including both noncommercial and commercial thinning using low-thinning methods to remove mid-level trees which contribute to crown fire potential or bark beetle risk, up to 21 inches in diameter at breast height.