Oregon Freshwater Mussel Distribution: A Focus on Data Management
Walton, Dean
Miller, Shelly
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Society for Conservation GIS
There are 3 genera of freshwater mussels in Oregon. Two are represented by a single species each in Oregon (Gonidea angulata & Margaritifera falcata). Previous taxonomic classification of the third genus, Anodonta, included 4 species in Oregon. However, current genetic analysis supports the concept of two clades or general groups potentially representing two or more species. All native freshwater mussels in Oregon are thought to be in decline, and unfortunately only a relatively small amount of survey effort is placed on these mussels in the West. Likewise, there are few researchers or biologists dedicated to Pacific Northwest mussels professionally. This works looks at how researchers can better track spatial data associated with the mussel populations
Research Poster
Freshwater mussels, Oregon, Unionida
Walton, D. P. and S. Miller. (2013, July). Oregon freshwater mussel distribution: A focus on data management. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Conservation GIS, Monterey, CA.