Changes in Reading Achievement at a Florida Elementary: A Randomized Control Study of Reading Mastery
Stockard, Jean
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National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI)
During the 2010-2011 school year, students in grades K-2 at a Florida elementary school were
randomly assigned to receive reading instruction in the Direct Instruction program Reading
Mastery (RM), Signature Edition, or in the Harcourt Brace (HB) program currently being used by
the school. Training and support for the implementation of the RM curriculum were provided
by the National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI).
Data routinely collected by the district, including the Florida Assessments for Instruction in
Reading (FAIR) and the STAR Reading assessment (first and second graders only), were used
to assess changes over time in reading skills. Comparisons were made between students’
scores in the fall, shortly after school began to their scores in the spring near the end of
school. Similar findings appeared at all grade levels. Students assigned to RM began the
school year with scores that were lower than the students assigned to HB. However, by the end
of the school year, their scores were significantly higher. In other words, the gains made over
time by the RM students were significantly greater than those made by the HB students. This
pattern is shown in the figure below, with data combined across all grade levels. The
advantage to the RM students appeared across all groups that are often seen as being at
greater risk of having difficulties with reading: special education students, racial-ethnic
minorities, students receiving free or reduced lunch, and boys.
15 pages
Technical Report, Direct Instruction (DI), Reading Mastery (RM), Reading Mastery Signature Edition (RMSE), Harcourt Brace (HB)