Woodburn : Woodburn Interchange interchange area management plan
Woodburn (Or.)
Oregon. Dept. of Transportation
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Oregon Dept. of Transportation
The chief
purpose of the IAMP is to:
protect the function of the reconstructed interchange to serve statewide and regional
travel through the 2025 planning horizon;
minimize the probability of needing additional major improvements to the
reconstructed interchange through the 2025 planning horizon.
The IAMP will achieve this purpose by:
helping to ensure that the land uses in the vicinity of the interchange around I-5 and
Oregon highways 214 and 219 develop as forecast in the 2005 Woodburn
Comprehensive Plan and Transportation System Plan updates;
providing for safe and efficient operations along Oregon 214 and 219 and on connecting
roadways by establishing access management and local connectivity objectives. [From the Plan]
257 pp. Includes maps and figures. Published November, 2005. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.
Transportation -- Oregon -- Woodburn -- Planning, City planning -- Oregon -- Woodburn, Land use -- Oregon -- Woodburn -- Planning, Interstate 5, Express highway interchanges -- Oregon -- Woodburn, Interchanges, Oregon Route 214 (Or.), Oregon Route 219 (Or.), I-5, OR 214 (Or.), OR 219 (Or.)