Kaselehlia Pohnpei! Workbook and Lab Manual: Lesson Two




ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon, Micronesia and South Pacific Program


Kaselehlia Pohnpei divides into a video component, an audio component and a workbook and lab manual. Together they form an integrated package for learning conversational Pohnpeian. Each video first presents elicitations of language samples from a native speaker. Learners then have a chance both to hear the language demonstrated and to repeat it. We then see the language played out in a continuing story that incorporates the language sample into a natural setting. It is not expected that every word on the video be immediately understood. Rather, the function of the video is to acquaint the learner with the sound and rhythm of the language and to provide opportunities to see and hear it spoken authentically. It is the audio tapes and workbook exercises that provide the bulk of the comprehension and production practice with the language introduced in the video. Learners may also find the glossed videoscripts of the episodes interesting and useful for additional investigation into the language. We have also included cultural notes for each scene which might be useful for understanding the context of the language presented.


iv, 56 p. "A production of the Yamada Language Center."


Pohnpeian language -- Handbooks, manuals, etc., Pohnpei (Micronesia)
