City of Eugene Diversity and Equity Strategic Plan Evaluation

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University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
Amos, Dave
Jensen, Garrett
Kernen, Jeff
Michael, Leigh Anne
Steiner, Bethany

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University of Oregon


In 2013, the City of Eugene partnered with a Community Planning Workshop (CPW) team from the University of Oregon to evaluate the City's Diversity and Equity Strategic Plan. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the plan's impacts on the organization since implementation and provide guidance for future equity and human rights efforts. The strategic plan includes a series of six goals and 32 action items, and each year City staff work to implement a subset of these action items. Each department created its own internal structure to promote equity and human rights and to specifically complete the actions items it was assigned in the DESP. The CPW team evaluated the DESP by administering an organization-wide survey, interviewing City staff, holding group conversations, and reviewing secondary outreach data from the City. This report contains a list of activities and data that highlight successes within the organization. The team identified 10 equity and human rights themes to evaluate the organization's equity and human rights efforts. Within each of the themes, CPW has identified key issues and provides considerations for future changes.


47 pages


Community development, Community Planning Workshop, Community Service Center, Eugene (Or.), Diversity and Equity Strategic Plan, Human rights
