Community Planning Workshop (CPW)

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Community Planning Workshop (CPW) is a campus-based, two-term required course in which teams of University of Oregon Community and Regional Planning graduate students work under the direction of CSC staff members performing contract research for client groups in Oregon.


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    (University of Oregon, 2021-09) University of Oregon. School of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop.; Clark, Benjamin; Parker, Robert
    The response to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated stay-at-home orders led to skyrocketing unemployment and other health and social impacts. The impacts have been felt unequally across the economy, with many sectors thriving during the pandemic while others—particularly leisure and hospitality—experiencing widespread job losses.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Latino Small Businesses and Downtown Development
    (University of Oregon, 2012-12) Parker, Robert; Steiner, Bethany; Steckler, Becky; López, Monique; Bates, Kai; Buzby, April A.; Hagerman, Casey; Herrera, Roanel; Stewart, Jessie
    In January 2010, the City of Woodburn updated its Downtown Development Plan. This report builds upon some of the strategies and action items in the Woodburn Downtown Development Plan, however, it focuses upon the Latino businesses downtown and how the entire community can better support them.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Metropolitan Contractor Improvement Partnership 2013-2018 Strategic Plan
    (University of Oregon, 2013-05) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Bob; Steckler, Becky; Foster, Ian; Philips, Madeleine
    This report, the Metropolitan Contractor Improvement Partnership 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, identifies the key issues facing the organization, and suggests goals, strategies, and actions to address those issues.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Business Incentives and Economic Development in Lane County
    (University of Oregon, 2013-10) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Robert; San Filippo, Angela; Forsell, Erik; Michael, Leigh Anne
    Lane County Economic Development is reviewing its practices related to business incentives. This report presents research on the purpose of business incentives, what kinds of business incentives are common practice for economic development purposes, and the impacts, both positive and negative, that have resulted.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Programmatic Recommendations for EWEB's Voluntary Incentive Program
    (University of Oregon, 2013-09) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Robert; Rafuse, Steve; Breslow, Jay; Forsell, Erik; Louw, Andrew; Philibosian, Scarlett
    In 2001, the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) established a Water Source Protection Program to evaluate and mitigate risks to water quality. As part of its Source Water Protection Program, EWEB is exploring the possibility of rewarding good stewards of land within the McKenzie Basin. The purpose of this report is to provide EWEB with a framework for implementing the proposed Voluntary Incentives Program (VIP).
  • ItemOpen Access
    City of Sisters Parks Master Plan
    (University of Oregon, 2011-08) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Robert; West, Amanda; Stevenson, Patty; Parcell, Serena; Patricolo, Francesca
    The Sisters Parks Master Plan is intended to guide development of the municipal parks system for the period between 2011 and 2030. This Plan is an update to the 2000 Sisters Oregon Parks Master Plan. It identifies strategies and recommendations for operation and maintenance of parks, land acquisition, development, and funding.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Salem Target Industry Analysis
    (University of Oregon, 2011-06) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Robert; Becker, Brie; Barnes, Emma; Braseth, Mark; Gonzalez, Kim; Hayes, Brian
    This report presents the results of a focused analysis of selected target industries for the City of Salem. The Community Planning Workshop (CPW) evaluated four industries in this analysis: food processing, metal manufacturing, biosciences, and renewable energy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Warrenton Parks Master Plan
    (University of Oregon, 2010-10) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Robert; Gatz, Casey; Patricolo, Francesca; Scafa, Stephanie
    This is Warrenton’s first Parks Master Plan and it is designed to guide development of the City parks system over the next 20 years (from 2011 until 2030). Through this plan, the City of Warrenton will continue improving the service and quality of its parks to meet the needs of current and future residents.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rexius Redevelopment Plan
    (University of Oregon, 2010-08) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Parker, Robert; Stevenson, Patty; Beierle, Heidi
    Rexius contacted the University of Oregon’s Community Planning Workshop (CPW) to conduct a site review, identify key planning and development issues, and to develop concept plans identifying redevelopment strategies for their company’s current compost facility.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data collaboration at the City of Eugene: current practices and recommendations
    (University of Oregon, 2011-08-31) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Witzig, Monica; Lopez, Monique
    Neighborhood Services, part of the City Manager’s office, contracted with the University of Oregon Community Planning Workshop (CPW) to (1) conduct a data and mapping needs assessment with designated City departments and to (2) provide recommendations for improving its Neighborhood Analyses within the context of recognizing the need for data collaboration.
  • ItemRestricted
    Arena Monitoring Report
    (University of Oregon, 2011-07) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Steiner, Bethany; Bloomfield, Jessica; Dong, Baofeng; Hickson, Patricia; Meyer, Cody; Neighbor, Patricia
    The Matthew Knight Arena (Arena) is the new home of the University of Oregon’s basketball program. In winter 2011, the University contracted with the Community Planning Workshop (CPW) to monitor Arena operations and determine the effectiveness of the mitigation and management measures described in the Arena Impact Mitigation Agreement (AIMA) and Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Aging and Disability Resource Center Lane County Pilot Site Formative Evaluation
    (University of Oregon, 2009-12) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    The Community Planning Workshop (CPW) at the University of Oregon was contracted to conduct a formative evaluation of the ADRC. Formative evaluation is used to modify or improve products, programs, or activities, and is based on feedback obtained during planning and development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pre‐Disaster Planning for Post‐Disaster Recovery: Case Studies
    (University of Oregon, 2010-03) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    In coordination with a consultant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the University of Oregon’s Community Planning Workshop (CPW) researched four post‐disaster recovery plans (PDRPs) developed by select communities in the United States. The purpose of this research was to find innovative post‐disaster plans that incorporate effective strategies for recovery with the intent of evaluating strategies for providing credit for such efforts as part of the Community Rating System (CRS).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lane County Local Food Market Analysis
    (University of Oregon, 2010-09) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; MacFarland, Kate; Becker, Brie; Bryant, Hannah; Garcia, Nicolas; Hobson, Benjamin; Mizejewski, Sarah; Schuler, Warren; Richey, David; Parker, Robert
    This report presents a market analysis of the local food system in Lane County with the core objective of identifying the opportunities to expand local markets for locally produced food.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Canby Community Center Market Assessment and Feasibility Analysis
    (University of Oregon, 2010-07) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    Recognizing the need for detailed market information, the City of Canby contracted the University of Oregon’s Community Planning Workshop (CPW) to conduct a market analysis and preliminary feasibility assessment for the proposed Community Center and sports fields.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Results of the TGM Homebuilders Survey
    (University of Oregon, 2005-06) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    The purpose of the survey was to gather information to gain a better understanding of developer perceptions of smart development projects. Specifically, the survey focused on why some developers and not others were embarking on smart development projects, what developers need to make smart developments attractive, what barriers exist to these developments and how they can be reduced, and the transportation benefits developers see as an outcome of smart development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Results of the Lane County Fair 2005 Visitor Survey
    (University of Oregon, 2005-09) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    Over 165,000 people attended the 2005 Lane County Fair. As the Fair continues to attract larger crowds and offer more food and drinks, it is important to understand how Fairgoers perceive the event. Fair staff approached the Community Planning Workshop (CPW) at the University of Oregon to create and administer a survey asking Fair visitors about food, activities, and the overall fair experience.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Program Evaluation: Oregon HEAT's Refrigerator Replacement Pilot Program
    (University of Oregon, 2004-10) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Goodman, Beth; Hopkins, Susan; Parker, Robert
    The Oregon HEAT program evaluation has three key purposes: (1) study pilot program results to determine if the program is cost-effective; (2) evaluate program satisfaction of participants and staff; and (3) provide recommendations for the program’s next steps, including possible funding sources to maintain the program beyond the pilot phase.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Preliminary Feasibility Assessment for a Retreat and Study Center at The Shire
    (University of Oregon, 2005-10) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    This report presents a preliminary financial feasibility assessment for the proposed retreat and meeting facilities at the Shire.
  • ItemOpen Access
    MMHAT Decommissioning Case Studies and Issue Assessment
    (University of Oregon, 2005-07) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Potasnik, Rebeca; Almquist, Bill; Bodane, Kate; Wessinger, Bill; Steiner, Bethany; Parker, Robert
    This report summarizes a series of case studies on the decommissioning and resale of mobile, manufactured homes and trailers (MMHATs). The purpose of the case studies is to identify the characteristics of successful operations and provide insights with respect to the feasibility of establishing an operation in Douglas County, Oregon.