Lane County Local Food Market Analysis Executive Summary


This report presents a market analysis of the local food system in Lane County with the core objective of identifying the opportunities to expand local markets for locally produced food. In short, we are seeking approaches to “re‐localize” the food system. While we identified many challenges to achieving this objective, significant opportunities exist. To capitalize on the opportunities, we propose a set of implementation strategies that the private sector, local governments, and nonprofits should consider to achieve the goal of increasing local production and consumption of food products. This project was sponsored by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (as part of the EDA’s University Center program), the City of Eugene, Lane County, and the Eugene Water and Electric Board. It aims to promote economic development by analyzing the market for local food and identifying barriers and opportunities for growth. The study specifically focuses on potential to capture local demand from institutions and chain grocers—organizations that have enough purchasing power to create significant markets. This project investigates the potential for expanding the local food economy in the short‐term: the next one to five years. For the purpose of this study, local food is defined as that grown and consumed within Lane County.


8 p. Tables, references.


Lane County (Or.), United States. Economic Development Administration, Eugene Water & Electric Board, Eugene (Or.), Food planning, Local foods -- Oregon -- Eugene
