Infinite dimensional versions of the Schur-Horn theorem

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Jasper, John, 1981-

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University of Oregon


We characterize the diagonals of four classes of self-adjoint operators on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. These results are motivated by the classical Schur-Horn theorem, which characterizes the diagonals of self-adjoint matrices on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. In Chapters II and III we present some known results. First, we generalize the Schur-Horn theorem to finite rank operators. Next, we state Kadison's theorem, which gives a simple necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence to be the diagonal of a projection. We present a new constructive proof of the sufficiency direction of Kadison's theorem, which is referred to as the Carpenter's Theorem. Our first original Schur-Horn type theorem is presented in Chapter IV. We look at operators with three points in the spectrum and obtain a characterization of the diagonals analogous to Kadison's result. In the final two chapters we investigate a Schur-Horn type problem motivated by a problem in frame theory. In Chapter V we look at the connection between frames and diagonals of locally invertible operators. Finally, in Chapter VI we give a characterization of the diagonals of locally invertible operators, which in turn gives a characterization of the sequences which arise as the norms of frames with specified frame bounds. This dissertation includes previously published co-authored material.


ix, 99 p.


Mathematics, Pure sciences, Schur-Horn theorem, Diagonals, Frames, Self-adjoint operators
