Sublimity : Sublimity Interchange area management plan
Sublimity (Or.)
Stayton (Or.)
Marion County (Or.)
Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments
Oregon. Dept. of Transportation
CH2M Hill, inc.
Jeanne Lawson Associates
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Oregon Dept. of Transportation
The Sublimity Interchange, located at the junction of Oregon 22 and Cascade Highway in
Marion County, Oregon, will be undergoing modifications and improvements. This
Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP) documents the land use and transportation
strategies developed to protect the function of the Sublimity Interchange over the long-term
(20-plus years) in light of these planned improvements. [From the Plan]
288 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published December, 2005. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.
Transportation -- Oregon -- Sublimity -- Planning, Transportation -- Oregon -- Stayton -- Planning, City planning -- Oregon -- Sublimity, City planning -- Oregon -- Stayton, Land use -- Oregon -- Sublimity -- Planning, Land use -- Oregon -- Stayton -- Planning, Land use -- Oregon -- Marion County -- Planning, Regional planning -- Oregon -- Marion County, Roads -- Oregon -- Marion County -- Interchanges and intersections, Interchanges