Dissociation : Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 144-150 : Normal and pathological dissociations of early childhood
Albini, Theresa K.
Pease, Terri E.
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Ridgeview Institute and the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality and Dissociation
The authors hypothesize that multiple personality disorder is related to the processes that lead to the formation in children of a distinct and cohesive self. Three clinical propositions concerning MPD derived from this hypothesis are: first, multiple personality disorder should be
seen as a childhood disorder; second, cohesion of the self is best understood as a developmental achievement mediated by specific experiences in the early years of life; third, some dissociative disorders, including multiple personality disorder, are survivals of an earlier personality organization in which distinct centers of experience and initiative existed Within a single individual.
p. 144-150