Deschutes County Natural Hazards Code and Program Review
Parker, Robert
Howard, Michael
Pfefferle, Drew
DeHart, Michael
Horan, Erin
Jackson, Maureen
Setterfield, Brett
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Community Planning Workshop: A Program of the Community Service Center,
Floods and wildfires are two natural hazards that impact Deschutes County. The Deschutes County Development Code has several provisions that specifically aim to mitigate the effects of these hazards; reduce risk to property, environmental quality, and human safety; and improve recovery time. The code chapters with hazard-specific elements are Title 17: Subdivisions, Title 18: County Zoning, and Title 19: Bend Urban Growth Boundary Zoning Ordinance.
This report includes analysis of the Deschutes County Development Code and the county’s comprehensive plan, how they are interpreted and applied to development, and the implications for natural hazard preparedness. Case studies and model ordinances providing examples of wildfire and flood best management practices are used to support the report’s recommendations.
64 pages
natural hazards