Explore Troutdale Communication Strategies

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Sands, Jeredith
Mundy, Mundy

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University of Oregon


In the University of Oregon’s Public Relations Campaigns class, a team of five public relations majors worked with the city of Troutdale to establish and meet goals for its Travel Troutdale campaign. After the class concluded, “Travel Troutdale” became “Explore Troutdale” to reflect the city’s interest in connecting broadly. Report text will refer to Travel Troutdale. The students crafted a mission statement for the project, with the aim of attracting visitors to and keeping residents in Troutdale. After conducting research on the town and defining its primary and secondary publics, the team decided on social media as the best approach for influencing people to visit, stay, or move to Troutdale. In addition to creating visual and written content for social media and the Travel Troutdale website, the team developed various “how- to” guides to assist Troutdale’s staff in content management and production post-project. The students’ research, planning, content, guides, and additional recommendations for future implementation will ideally provide Troutdale with the tools and tactics necessary to meet its goals and communications needs.


49 pages

